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Are you looking to learn the basics of web page design with Microsoft FrontPage 98? This fun and educational tutorial offers interactive activities and quizzes. The tutorial covers: introduction to FrontPage, creating your first website, adding graphics, creating links, building tables, adding forms, adding dynamic content, and managing your website.
Additional Tags
.aif, .mid, .ram, .wav, activating the forms toolbar, activating the image toolbar, adding a clipart graphic, adding a hit counter, adding a time stamp, adding a video control panel, adding and formatting text, adding background graphics, adding background sound, adding borders and buffers, adding captions to a table, adding check boxes, adding forms, adding images to a table, adding rows and columns, adding text to table cells, adding your own image, aligning objects in cells, browser, building tables, changing backgrounds, changing cell width and height, changing hyperlink colors, changing the submit button, checking image size and speed, checking your spelling, collecting data, cool for school, copying an image to another page, creating a bookmark, creating a form, creating a one-line text box, creating a simple hyperlink, creating a simple table, creating a table of contents, creating a web site, creating an e-mail hyperlink, creating an image map, creating radio buttons, cropping an image, defining borders, defining cell padding and cell spacing, defining form fields, defining forms, defining hyperlinks, defining web graphics, editing hyperlinks, frontpage 98, frontpage explorer, frontpage personal web server, how big is your site?, how doe you create a web site?, image properties, including text alternatives, inquiring about frontpage server extensions, inserting a video clip, linking to a bookmark, linking to a new page, making a drop-down menu, making a scrolling text box, making a transparent image, making interlaced images, making your video run automatically, microsoft internet explorer, moving an image, nesting tables, obtaining a location, obtaining access, previewing your page, putting a table within a table, resizing an image, saving an attached image, saving your page, saving your sound file, sending data to a web page, sending data to your e-mail, servers, sound file, surf the web, switching views, targeting links, the world wide web, turning a graphic into a hyperlink, turning text into a hyperlink, uploading your web site, using tables for visual summaries, using tables in web pages, views toolbar, web page, web server, what does it mean to publish a website?, what does upload mean?, what is a web site?, what is frontpage?, what's background sound?, working on a web page, act360 media ltd: microsoft frontpage 98 tutorial, gif, jpeg, finding an isp or web host for your website, non-transparent gif, transparent gif, microsoft frontpage
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 2 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information
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