Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
The 2009 version of the first part of a national chemistry competition is posted for your use with olympiad hopefuls. Test takers deal with 60 multiple choice questions covering an entire year of chemistry curriculum. Use this to practice for the competition or to prepare for a final exam on behavior of gases, properties of metals, chemical reacitons, pH and titration curves, ionizaton energy, molecular geometry, and more!
concentration, bond energy, energy, lattice energy, properties of metals, metals, vapor pressure, vapor, absorption, acids, behavior of gases, chemical reactions, elements, enthalpy, entropy, exothermic reactions, ionization energy, ions, melting points, molecular geometry, oxidation, percent yield, ph, radioactivity, rate law, redox reactions, stoichiometry, sublimation, the emission spectra, the periodic table, isomers
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acid, behavior of gases, chemical reaction, concentration, enthalpy, entropy, ion, ionization energy, molecular geometry, periodic table of elements, stoichiometry, sublimation, vapor pressure, ph, absorbance, atomic orbital, bond energy, bond length, element, emission spectra, exothermic reaction, isomer, lattice energy, melting point, oxidation, percent yield, properties of metals, radioactive, rate law, redox reaction, reduction potential, titration curve, ionic solution, solution solubility, science
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