Utah Education Network

Uen: K 12 Core Lesson Plans

For Teachers 9th - 10th
The Utah Education Network provides a variety of lesson plans specifically targeting the Utah educator. Content is organized by subject area and grade level.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Civics: Government, Citizenship and Elections

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Website sporting three topics main topics in Civics, Government, Citizenship and Elections from which students can explore information through subtopics within each one. With links to primary resources and other related material.
Utah Education Network

Uen: College and Career Awareness

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This site provides Utah's College and Career Awareness Core Standards.
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Using Properties

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Students will practice simplifying algebraic expressions using properties: identity, commutative, associative, and distributive. It provides downloadable PDF resources to go along with the lesson as well as an assessment plan.
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Reasons for the Seasons

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Lesson plan addresses misconceptions about seasonal changes and Earth's orbit through a pre-lesson survey and follow-up experiments to scientifically study the answers to questions found in the survey. Includes great teacher background...
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah Education Network

For Teachers 9th - 10th
The Utah Education Network in an excellent resource for educators in Utah. Content includes a wealth of information and services, ranging from professional development, to lesson plans, to curriculum resources.
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Properties

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
This multi-segment lesson plan walks students through understanding and applying the properties of multiplication and addition. It provides a song for learning the properties as well as ideas for assessment.
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Camp Paws and Claws: Pets

For Teachers K - 1st Standards
This multi-day series of lessons will engage students in reading and listenting comprehension strategies related to books about animals. Students will retell, dramatize, and illustrate their new animal knowledge.
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: 2nd Grade Act. 11: Character Sketch

For Teachers 2nd Standards
This lesson engages students in describing the main character from Patricia Palacco's book, My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother. Students will analyze a picture of the main character and the teacher will write all of the students'...
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: 2nd Grade Act. 12: Guess My Character

For Teachers 2nd Standards
This instructional activity engages students in reading comprehension strategies related to Patricia Polacco's book, My Rotten, Red-Headed, Older Brother. Students will analyze the story's characters and create thought bubbles associated...
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Introducing Text Structures in Writing 5th Grade

For Teachers 5th Standards
This lesson engages students in learning about text structures. Graphic organizers are provided to assist students in planning writings that have the following text structures: problem and solution; sequence; cause and effect; and...
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: It's Greek to Me!

For Teachers 4th - 7th Standards
This lesson engages students in vocabulary-building strategies related to Greek and Latin roots. Students will be given charts with Greek and Latin roots. Students will practice combining different roots to form present-day English words.
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Graphic Organizers Bring About Good Science Read/writing

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
This lesson uses graphic organizers to engage students in reading comprehension strategies for informational text in science. Venn Diagram, Hierarchy, Time Line, Cluster Diagram, and Flow Chart reproducible pages are included with the...
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Fat a Concentrated Energy Source

For Students 9th - 10th
Through these lesson plans, students explore and discuss the role of dietary fat as an important energy source. In addition to providing detailed instructions for teachers, this website includes all the handouts and charts needed to...
Unit Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Anne Frank in the World

For Teachers 9th - 10th
The Utah Education Network provides a collection of lessons on teaching about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. Of various lengths for grades 3-12. Support materials are included.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: The Panic of 1893

For Students 9th - 10th
A general description of the Panic but also a close-up look at how the West and Utah, in particular, were affected.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Bear River Massacre

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource provides a detailed explanation of the Bear River Massacre on the Idaho-Utah border.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Colonization of Utah

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource provides a detailed discussion of the colonization of Utah.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Physical Geography of Utah

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource provides information on the physical geography of the state.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Great Salt Lake

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource provides a natural and human history of the Great Salt Lake.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Immigration to Utah

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource looks at Mormon immigration into the state of Utah during the 19th century.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Manifesto

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource examines the history of polygamy--being married to more than one woman--in the Mormon Church.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Statehood for Utah

For Students 9th - 10th
This site provides discussion of Utah statehood from the Encyclopedia of Utah History.
Utah Education Network

Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Salt Lake City

For Students 9th - 10th
Contains a discussion of the history of Salt Lake City, from its Mormon past through its changes through time.