Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Strategies: Inquiry Chart
This instructional strategy strategy encourages students to gather information about a topic from several sources.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Topics a to Z: Scientific Language in Primary Grades
Research on the importance of teaching scientific language usage, ideas for utilizing scientific language, and rubrics for assessing student use of scientific language in grade schools.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Assessment of English Language Learners
This resource includes a 45-minute webcast with George Mason University education professor Dr. Lorraine Valdez Pierce, discussion questions, sample assessment tools, and other resources. Sample assessment tools are available as...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: "Seven Strategies to Teach Text Comprehension" by c.r. Adler
In this article, "comprehension strategies" are explained. Supported by research, these strategies are divided into seven different steps, including the following: monitoring comprehension, metacognition, graphic and semantic organizers,...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: National Poetry Month
This site offers extensive resources for teaching poetry. Find interviews with poets, ideas for poetry lessons, book lists, and ways to use poetry across the curriculum. There are also resources specifically for National Poetry Month....
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Helping Struggling Readers
This resource provides information about how to improve reading instruction, especially for those students who need remediation.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Helping Struggling Readers
This resource provides information about how to improve reading instruction, especially for those students who need remediation.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: 103 Things to Do Before/during/after Reading
The highly-respected Reading Rockets program offers both teachers and students a toolkit of ways to connect more actively with the materials they read. Some of these techniques are specifically for fiction-reading, others are designed...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Topics a to Z
A large collection of articles and resources on reading instruction, including for English language learners. The Teacher Education section includes a complete self-study course on teaching reading and writing.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Semantic Gradients
Use the strategy of determining semantic gradients (shades of meaning) to help students improve their vocabulary and understanding of related words.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Speaking and Listening in Content Area Learning
Oral language development facilitates print literacy. In this article, we focus on the ways in which teachers can ensure students' speaking and listening skills are developed. We provide a review of effective classroom routines,...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Comprehension
Provides articles, parent tips, research briefs, and a video on how to teach reading comprehension.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Fluency
Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with expression. Reading fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. To learn more about fluency, browse the articles,...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Informal Assessment
Administering informal assessments on a regular basis throughout the school year provides useful information that can help teachers to identify the individual strengths and weaknesses of each student and guide the next steps in...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
Before children learn to read print, they need to become aware of how the sounds in words work. They must understand that words are made up of individual speech sounds, or phonemes. A child's skill in phonemic awareness is a good...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Sounds of Speech
Sounds of speech are the sounds that make up our oral language. Children must understand how speech sounds work to be ready for instruction in reading and writing. To learn more about sounds of speech, browse the articles, parent tips,...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics
Provides a wealth of basic information on how to teach kids to read. Covers print awareness, sounds of speech, phonemic awareness, phonics and decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and lots more.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Stem Literacy
Learn about how to strengthen literacy, inquiry, and problem-solving skills, and how to connect kids with high-quality nonfiction and informational books. Provides videos, articles for parents and for teachers, webcasts for teachers, and...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Tips for Parents (In Multiple Languages)
Suggestions of ways for parents to read, write, and tell stories together with children from infancy to third grade. Available in multiple languages.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Teaching Reading: Classroom Strategies
A collection of effective, research-based classroom strategies to help build and strengthen literacy skills in print awareness, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Teaching Reading: Expert Interviews
Learn from nationally known researchers and experts in literacy and early education. Topics include phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, writing, summer learning, early childhood education, dyslexia, and more.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Writing
Provides articles, parent tips, research briefs, and a video on how to teach children to write.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Spelling
Provides articles, parent tips, research briefs, and a video on how to teach spelling.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading Basics: Vocabulary
Vocabulary is key to reading comprehension. Readers cannot understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. As children learn to read more advanced texts, they must learn the meaning of new words that are not...