Little Book Lane

"Th" Words

For Teachers K - 2nd
That is a great word because it starts with the th sound. There are so many words that start with the consonant digraph th. Early readers are going to love this packet of fun worksheets, games, flashcards, and images that were created...
Little Book Lane

"Ch" Words

For Teachers K - 2nd
What do chug and chain have in common? The consonant digraph ch of course. Hold onto your hats – here is a packet of worksheets with enough practice activities to fill a short unit. It contains two lists of ch words, three practice...
Little Book Lane

"Sh" Words

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd
Sh, sh, sh! When two letters together always make the same sound, they're called a consonant digraph. Get those early readers ready to use the sh sound with confidence. This packet contains printable wall cards, a...