DOGO Media

Dogo News: Us Presidential Candidates Face Off in First of Three Debates

For Students 9th - 10th
A record attendance was recorded for the first debate of the major party candidates in the 2016 run for president. Read about the questions moderator Lester Holt probed Trump and Clinton with.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Eddie Braun Completes Evel Knievel's Dream Canyon Rocket Jump

For Students 9th - 10th
In September 2016 Eddie Braun honored the deceased Evel Knieval by completing the Dream Canyon Rocket Jump that Knieval was unable to achieve during his life.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Even Thor Would Have Approved of King Tut's Meteorite Dagger!

For Students 9th - 10th
King Tut's dagger came from Outer Space? How is that possible? Take a look at what researchers have discovered about the unique medium the sharp tool is made from. Find comprehension questions and vocabulary terms.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Meet the Last Known Northern White Male Rhino

For Students 5th - 8th
Article reports on the state of the white rhino species. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Researchers Believe Gamers Are Able to Learn Faster

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Article reports on studies examining the differences between games and non-gamers to perform certain visual tasks. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Sinkholes Along Shores of Dead Sea Cause Concern

For Students 5th - 8th
Article reports on how the appearance of large sinkholes near the Dead Sea are affecting the famous lake. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Majestic Opah Is World's First Warm Blooded Fish!

For Students 5th - 8th
Meet the opah, the first known warm-blooded fish. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Week of 2 10 14: China's Smog Problem

For Students 6th - 8th
Article reports on the problem of extreme smog in many cities in China and various innovations that are being developed to help deal with the problem. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Week of 5 12 14: Tomb Painting Provides Answers to Pyramids Mystery

For Students 3rd - 8th
Modern people have always wondered how the pyramids of Egypt were contstructed. Learn what we are now discovering that may unveil the facts about this ancient achievement.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: 5 26 14: Newly Unearthed Titanosaur May Be the Biggest Dinosaur

For Students 1st - 8th
What is the largest dinosaur that ever lived on Earth? Scientists may soon be giving a new answer to this question. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Week of 10 21 13: African Lava Lake Naturally 'Mumifies' Animals

For Students 3rd - 8th
Article reports on an unusual lake in Africa in which the water perfectly perserves the remains of dead animals like mummies. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Week of 6 9 14: 91 Year Old Charlotte Woman Sets New Marathon Record

For Students 3rd - 8th
Read about a 91 year old marathon runner and her new record.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Week of 6 16 14: 'Adorkable' Is Now a Legitimate Word

For Students 3rd - 8th
Learn about one of the newest slang terms to become an official word.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: 6 23 14: Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Look So Good?

For Students 1st - 6th
Enjoy learning about this unusual kind of art that uses corn flakes to create images.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Week of 6 23 14: Girl Becomes Youngest to Conquer Mt. Everest

For Students 3rd - 8th
Learn about the teen girl who is now the youngest climber to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Are Tourists Harming Endangered Florida Manatees?

For Students 5th - 8th
Learn about manatee migration and the impact that tourists who get too close to the endangered animals may be having on their ability to survive. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Nefertiti Resting in a Chamber in King Tut's Tomb?

For Students 5th - 8th
Article reports on a theory that Queen Nefertiti may be buried in a hidden chamber inside the tomb of King Tut. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Teenage Brains Wired to Be Impatient and Impulsive

For Students 5th - 8th
Article reports on new research that helps explain the functioning of the teenage brain, and how it differs from that of an adult.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Making Sense of the Worst Refugee Crisis Since Wwii

For Students 5th - 8th
Article explains the current Syrian refugee crisis in Europe. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Crafty Wasps Turn Spiders Into Web Weaving Slaves

For Students 5th - 8th
Read about the effect a certain parasitic wasp can have on spiders. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Nasa Confirms Presence of Liquid Water on Mars

For Students 5th - 8th
Read about the fascinating discovery of liquid water on Mars. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: 'Super' Stonehenge Discovered

For Students 5th - 8th
Read about the discovery of a massive stone monument complex near the Stonehenge site. Includes video.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: How Mealworms May Reduce Our Pollution Problem

For Students 3rd - 8th
Scientists have recently found that mealworms may be able to break down and degrade styrofoam, a form of plastic previously thought not to be biodegradable. Read how this discovery may affect pollution.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: 'Smart' Bandage Extracts Bacteria From Wounds

For Students 3rd - 8th
Read about the development of a new bandage that actually helps to remove bateria from wounds.