Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 8th - 10th
Use a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the classifications for salads in our culture. Viewers take notes and then work through the ratio of ingredients in a vinaigrette salad dressing. Finally, they mix up the vinaigrette. This...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

PASS the Arts

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Students explore math and art concepts, create digital art examples of the concepts, and incorporate these works into a PowerPoint portfolio with explanation and analysis.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Geometry of The World War II Memorial

For Teachers 6th - 9th
Students develop an appreciation of the use of geometry in our everyday world and structures. Students collect various picures and multimedia objcets that explain geometric principles and place them in a powerpoint presentation to be...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Two-Step Equations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers explore the concept of solving two-step equations. For this solving two-step equations lesson, students watch a short video about solving equations. High schoolers view a PowerPoint presentation about solving two-step...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Story Problems

For Teachers 1st
First graders manipulate pictures in Powerpoint template to demonstrate understanding of story problems. Students then solve story problems, and write number sentence to correspond to each story problem.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Learning and Population Information - Where I Live

For Teachers 4th - 5th
Learners study their county populations in a multimedia presentation format. In this populations lesson, students work in groups of 3 to research the county populations in their state. Learners chart their results in an Excel document...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Here and There: Discovering Communities Through the Olympic Torch Relay

For Teachers K - Higher Ed
Learners compare their hometowns to the towns on the Olympic Torch Relay and complete multi-curricular activities for the lesson. In this Olympics lesson, students complete math, geography, science, and history activities to learn about...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Solving One Step Equations

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students observe and demonstrate the step-by-step process for solving one-step equations. They view a teacher-created PowerPoint presentation, solve one-step equations, and in small groups create a PowerPoint presentation.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Rain Forests

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Students watch a PowerPoint presentation about the layers of the rainforest. They create a paper rainforest in the classroom. They take notes from the presentation and write a paragraph to include in a layer book. They create a...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Goobers. Goobers? Goobers!

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Young scholars begin the lesson by noting the many ways in which to use peanuts. In groups, they use the internet to research the work of George Washington Carver. They discover the allergies and nutritional information of the peanut and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Sampling Distribution of Sample Means

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Students collect data and crate a distribution sample. For this statistics lesson, students compare and contrast their collected data. This assignment requires the students to be comfortable with navigating the internet.  
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Dangers of Payday Loans

For Teachers 10th - 12th
Young scholars examine the interest and penalties associated with payday loans. In this finance lesson, students identify payday loans and the dangers of short term credit. Young scholars create their own informational PowerPoint about...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Phenomenal Weather-Related Statistics

For Teachers 8th
Eighth graders research, collect and interpret data about weather statistics. They record that data on spreadsheets. they create Powerpoint presentations on their individual or group research.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Paper Packaging Design

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students discuss the relationship between technology and manufacturing. They then use their ideas to construct a model of a paper board carton package. Next they view a PowerPoint presentation to learn about the history of packaging...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Building Web Quests

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Students work together to develop their own web quests. They research different topics and create a PowerPoint presentation. They share their web quests with the class.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Chaos and Fractal Applications

For Teachers 8th
Eighth graders identify the different applications of fractals. For this math lesson, 8th graders use graphing calculator to solve algorithms. They explain how changing parameters and initial conditions affect the solutions.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Graphing Equations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students use an interactive website or cd rom to graph equations. The lesson plan is not very clearly written. The use of the website is essential or the educational software that can be purchased from the Prentice Hall publisher.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Slopes, Hopes, & Speed

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Learners investigate the sport of skiing through Internet research in this multi-task lesson. They compare and generalize the results of five individuals by using mean, median, and mode.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Show Me the Money!!!

For Teachers 10th - 11th
Students research employment rates in the United States with a focus on broadcast journalists. In this employment rate lesson, students visit the given websites to explore popular states to live in, highest and lowest unemployment rates,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Plant Bartering System

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders explore plant characteristics by viewing a flower and seed presentation. In this environmental adaptation lesson, 5th graders identify specific traits plants have in order to allow them to grow in different climates whether...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Space Shapes

For Teachers 1st - 5th
Young scholars read "Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes" by Stuart Murphy and view a PowerPoint presentation on shapes. They identify shapes presented in the book and then identify shapes found in their classroom.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Geography: Snow Cover on the Continents

For Teachers 4th - 8th
Students create maps of snow cover for each continent by conducting Internet research. After estimating the percentage of continental snow cover, they present their findings in letters, brochures or Powerpoint presentations.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Football and Braking Distance: Model Data with Quadratic Functions

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students engage in a lesson that is about the concept of data analysis with the use of quadratics. They use a Precalculus text in order to give guidance for independent practice and to serve as a source for the teacher to use. The data...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Time Travel Writing Assignment using "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students examine the consequences of time travel through the analysis of the short story "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury. They watch a PowerPoint presentation, conduct Internet research on endangered ecosystems, and create a...

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