Instructional Video4:34

TED-Ed: The physics of surfing - Nick Pizzo

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Wondering how you can catch the perfect wave? Dive into the fascinating and complex physics of surfing. -- Whether or not you realize it, surfers are masters of complicated physics. The science of surfing begins as soon as a board first...
Instructional Video5:24

The Astounding Physics of N95 Masks

12th - Higher Ed
This video was written in collaboration with Aatish Bhatia - https://aatishb.com To learn more about using & decontaminating N95 masks: https://www.n95decon.org Thanks to Manu Prakash for useful discussion and feedback (Manu is involved...
Instructional Video4:55

TED-Ed: The physics of playing guitar - Oscar Fernando Perez

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Guitar masters like Jimi Hendrix are capable of bending the physics of waves to their wills, plucking melody from inspiration and vibration. But how do wood, metal, and plastic translate into rhythm, melody, and music? Oscar Fernando...
Instructional Video4:16

TED-Ed: The physics of the "hardest move" in ballet - Arleen Sugano

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In the third act of "Swan Lake", the Black Swan pulls off a seemingly endless series of turns, bobbing up and down on one pointed foot and spinning around and around and around thirty-two times. How is this move - which is called a...
Instructional Video3:32

TED-Ed: Football physics: The "impossible" free kick - Erez Garty

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In 1997, Brazilian football player Roberto Carlos set up for a 35 meter free kick with no direct line to the goal. Carlos's shot sent the ball flying wide of the players, but just before going out of bounds it hooked to the left and...
Instructional Video16:02
TED Talks

TED: Beauty, truth and ... physics? | Murray Gell-Mann

12th - Higher Ed
Armed with a sense of humor and laypeople's terms, Nobel winner Murray Gell-Mann drops some knowledge on TEDsters about particle physics, asking questions like, Are elegant equations more likely to be right than inelegant ones?
Instructional Video13:58
TED Talks

TED: Have we reached the end of physics? | Harry Cliff

12th - Higher Ed
Why is there something rather than nothing? Why does so much interesting stuff exist in the universe? Particle physicist Harry Cliff works on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and he has some potentially bad news for people who seek...
Instructional Video1:25
Curated Video

Revolutionizing Oil Extraction: Using MRI Technology and Micro Bubbles

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Researchers from Nottingham Trent and Aston Universities are using innovative techniques like magnetic resonance imaging and micro bubble fluids to recover previously lost oil deposits in porous rock formations. By developing a new...
Instructional Video3:08

Smart phone beats paper for some with dyslexia - Science Nation

12th - Higher Ed
Matthew Schneps is a researcher at Harvard University with a doctorate in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He also happens to have dyslexia, so reading has always been a challenge for him. That is, until he...
Instructional Video4:40

TED-ED: Is there a reproducibility crisis in science? - Matt Anticole

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Published scientific studies can motivate research, inspire products, and inform policy. However, recent studies that examined dozens of published pharmaceutical papers managed to replicate the results of less than 25% of them - and...
Instructional Video3:38

TED-Ed: The science of static electricity - Anuradha Bhagwat

Pre-K - Higher Ed
We've all had the experience: you're walking across a soft carpet, you reach for the doorknob and - ZAP. But what causes this trademark jolt of static electricity? Anuradha Bhagwat sheds light on the phenomenon by examining the nature of...
Instructional Video3:29
Curated Video

Helping Quantum Computers Study the Physics of the Universe

9th - 12th
Quantum computers are still years away, but a trio of theoretical physicists has already figured out at least one talent they may have. The theorists, including one from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), have...
Instructional Video19:00
TED Talks

TED: Chemical scum that dream of distant quasars | David Deutsch

12th - Higher Ed
Legendary scientist David Deutsch puts theoretical physics on the back burner to discuss a more urgent matter: the survival of our species. The first step toward solving global warming, he says, is to admit that we have a problem.
Instructional Video8:06

TED-Ed: How do nuclear power plants work? - M. V. Ramana and Sajan Saini

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Our ability to mine great amounts of energy from uranium nuclei has led some to bill nuclear power as a plentiful, utopian source of electricity. But rather than dominate the global electricity market, nuclear power has declined from a...
Instructional Video4:08

TED-ED: What can you learn from ancient skeletons? - Farnaz Khatibi

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Ancient skeletons can tell us a great deal about the past, including the age, gender and even the social status of its former owner. But how can we know all of these details simply by examining some old, soil-caked bones? Farnaz Khatibi...
Instructional Video4:43

TED-Ed: What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? - Chad Orzel

Pre-K - Higher Ed
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that you can never simultaneously know the exact position and the exact speed of an object. Why not? Because everything in the universe behaves like both a particle and a wave at the same time....
Instructional Video5:09

TED-Ed: Einstein's brilliant mistake: Entangled states - Chad Orzel

Pre-K - Higher Ed
When you think about Einstein and physics, E=mc^2 is probably the first thing that comes to mind. But one of his greatest contributions to the field actually came in the form of an odd philosophical footnote in a 1935 paper he co-wrote...
Instructional Video5:14

TED-ED: How do fish make electricity? - Eleanor Nelsen

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Nearly 350 species of fish have specialized anatomical structures that generate and detect electrical signals. Underwater, where light is scarce, electrical signals offer ways to communicate, navigate, find, and sometimes stun prey. But...
Instructional Video12:42
TED Talks

TED: Technology that knows what you're feeling | Poppy Crum

12th - Higher Ed
What happens when technology knows more about us than we do? Poppy Crum studies how we express emotions -- and she suggests the end of the poker face is near, as new tech makes it easy to see the signals that give away how we're feeling....
Instructional Video5:01

TED-ED: The science of skin - Emma Bryce

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Between you and the rest of the world lies an interface that makes up 16% of your physical weight. This is your skin, the largest organ in your body: laid out flat, it would cover close to 1.7 square meters of ground. But besides keeping...
Instructional Video4:09

The Science Of REAL Hoverboards

12th - Higher Ed
Hank gives it to you straight about "anti-gravity technology" -- basically, it doesn't exist. But if you really want to hover, you have options!
Instructional Video29:23
World Science Festival

Your Daily Equation #23: Deriving Classical from Quantum Physics: Ehrenfest's Theorem

6th - 11th
Episode 23 #YourDailyEquation: Classical and Quantum Physics describe reality in completely different ways. Yet, in 1927, Paul Ehrenfest showed how Newton's equation could be derived from Schrödinger's, establishing a deep continuity in...
Instructional Video19:03
World Science Festival

Your Daily Equation | Episode 10: Quantum Physics and Probability

6th - 11th
Episode 10 #YourDailyEquation: The revolutionary new idea of quantum mechanics is that reality evolves through a game of chance described by probabilities. In today's episode of Your Daily Equation, Brian explains the origin of this...
Instructional Video2:25
Curated Video

What Captain America can teach us about science

6th - 11th
Materials scientist Suveen Mathaudhu shows us how both our favorite superheroes and real-world scientists create materials to save the world every day. Can Laser Make The Internet Faster?: https://youtu.be/ptKbyf7wMok Subscribe!...