Instructional Video7:53

A Tale of Swords and Gunpowder - Weapons in Ancient China l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Dao, Gun, Jian and Quiang are the four main traditional fighting weapons of China. Even though, the Chinese had already invented gunpowder by the end of the tenth century. So besides of having an arsenal of swords, spears, sabres,...
Instructional Video9:17

China Rules the Seas - The Invention of the Junk l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Imperial China was a great seafaring nation. With the invention of the junks, massive, nearly unsinkable ships, it is safe to say that by the 14th century China had the best sea vessels in the world. The invention of the compass made...
Instructional Video8:23

The Fall of the Golden Age - The Tang Dynasty l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The Tang Dynasty has left legacies that remained until the end of imperial China. Founded after the victory of Li Yuan, who became the first Emperor of the Tang. He soon would fall to his son Li Shimin, known as Taozong who quickly...
Instructional Video7:29

And then came Genghis Khan - Sorrow of the Song Dynasty l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The Song dynasty is often described as an early modern economy. It marked a lot of economical changes from previous dynasties. Starting with the decentralisation of power and reduced economical involvement, it brought on industrial...
Instructional Video8:04

Battle of the Red Cliffs - Three Kingdoms for China l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The legendary Battle of the Red Cliffs marks the end of the four century old Han dynasty. Poverty, famine and floods lead to uprisings such as the Rebellion of the Yellow Turbans. The weakened empire got split into smaller regions after...
Instructional Video6:41

Cats, Memes and Porn - The History of the Internet I THE COLD WAR

12th - Higher Ed
It’s hard to imagine what our world would be like today without the invention of the internet. What it means to our society can be answered in many ways. Based on a project of internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, the roots of our...
Instructional Video7:39

The Three Teachings - Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The Three Teachings Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism have been a backbone of Chinese society and culture since the bronze age. The Three teachings are still intertwined strongly with today's China. There are different interpretations to...
Instructional Video7:23

Confucius - Master of Philosophy and Fortune Cookies! l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Confucius is probably the best known Chinese philosopher of all times. Although he developed his theories about 2500 years ago, his ancient ideas of morality can still be applied today. He taught his philosophies of confucianism at his...
Instructional Video6:38

How a Concubine became the Empress of China - Wu Zetian l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Wu Zetian was the first and only Empress of China. Skillfully, she worked her way up, entering the imperial court of Emperor Tang Taizong as a concubine. After his death she would marry his son, Emperor Kaozong. Later she would...
Instructional Video8:17

Playing with Pleasure l HISTORY OF SEX TOYS

12th - Higher Ed
Erotic sex toys like dildos are no modern day invention. Thousands of years ago, stone phalli already served their purposes contributing to lust and passion. Throughout history more inventions like the vibrator have been developed to...
Instructional Video7:57

The Chinese Civil War - Blood for Unity l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
After the fall of the Qing dynasty China fell apart and both, forces loyal to Chiang Kais-shek's National Kuomintang Party and as Mao Zedong's Communist Party of China, fought to rule the country. This bloody struggle would ultimately...
Instructional Video8:53

Martial Arts - Fighting for the Perfect Body and Mind l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Kung fu, tai chi, Wing Chun - China's martial arts have many faces. Used as a mean of attack, self-defense or merely to train for the perfect balance between body and mind, many of the techniques have established themselves as active...
Instructional Video8:30

Sexual Enlightenment - Defining what is Normal l HISTORY OF SEX

12th - Higher Ed
With Sexual Enlightenment came radical changes to the perception of sex in society. This episode on sex in modernity covers discussions held in salon culture, debating and defining ideas of what sexual liberty meant. Public figures like...
Instructional Video9:19

The invention of Writing, Paper and Print! l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The invention of script, paper and printing can be credited to the Chinese. It was in China that Cai Lun, in his emperor’s service, made the production of paper suitable for the masses. Originally planned as a means to wrap things in, it...
Instructional Video6:53

Cixi: All Power to the Empress Dowager l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Empress Dowager Cixi took over the rule of mighty Imperial China in the late 19th century. After her son Tongzhi succeeded his father Emperor Xianfeng, she made herself custodian to the minor emperor on the dragon throne. During...
Instructional Video8:56

The Opium War - Lost in Compensation l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The Opium War started as a dispute over trading rights between China and Great Britain. Regular trade between Europe and the Chinese had been ongoing for centuries. But China's trading restrictions frustrated the British who were eager...
Instructional Video8:38

The Boxer Rebellion l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The Boxer Rebellion was one of China's biggest uprisings against the unwanted European, US-American and Japanese Imperialism. Distrust and tensions marked all contacts with foreigners. Secret societies were formed to propagate against...
Instructional Video8:22

The Century of Humiliation - Part 1 l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
The period between the 1840s and the 1940s is known as China’s Century of Humiliation. During this time, the country suffered huge internal fragmentation, embarrassing loss of territory and invasion from powers that had, for thousands of...
Instructional Video8:52

The Dark Ages of Sex - All Pleasure is Sin! l THE HISTORY OF SEX

12th - Higher Ed
Sex became a sin in the Middle Ages. Following the promiscuous Ancient Rome and Greece, the Western World was indoctrinated with Medieval concepts of guilt and immorality. Adultery and sex for pleasure became unthinkable. Churches...
Instructional Video7:06

The Queen of Lesbos - Poetess Sappho l THE HISTORY OF SEX

12th - Higher Ed
The Greek poetess Sappho from the Isle of Lesbos is the most important female lyricist of the classical age. She worshipped women and often addressed her work to beautiful ladies. Although her definite sexuality will remain a mystery, it...
Instructional Video8:37

The Trojan War - A tale of Passion and Bloodshed! l HISTORY OF SEX

12th - Higher Ed
The Trojan War is one of the most epic and passionate legends set in Greek Mythology. Legend has it, that Prince Paris fell in love with the beautiful Helena, wife of King Menelaos of Sparta. He took her to Troy, which sent all of the...
Instructional Video3:29
Reading Through History

History Brief: Dorothea Lange

6th - 11th
Teachers, check out our Great Depression resource manual: http://amzn.to/2GZz8Lp This following video provides a brief history of Dorothea Lange, and her contributions to history, as well as the world of photography. Lange took some of...
Instructional Video7:39

The Father of Modern China - Sun Yat-sen l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Sun Yat-sen is known as the 'father of modern China'. He spent his adult life fighting against imperial China and the ruling Qing dynasty. First as revolutionary leader and later as politician. He founded the Tongmenghui League in 1905...
Instructional Video9:03

The Power of Sex - Cleopatra, Caesar and Mark Antony l HISTORY OF SEX

12th - Higher Ed
Cleopatra, the most famous queen of Egypt, reigned as last female pharao. She fell for the powerful Roman statesman Julius Caesar and her son Caesarion is said to have been their illegitimate son. After his assassination she would form...

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