Read Write Think: Persuasion Map
A printable graphic organizer for students to use when writing on opinion or persuasive essay. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organizer as well as lists of teaching ideas, lesson plans, and other resources are also...
Penguin Publishing
Penguin Random House: "Persuasion" Teacher Guide [Pdf]
In-depth, 18-page teacher guide for "Persuasion" includes a lengthy introduction, overview of characters and historical background, and biographical sketch of the author. Also features lists of thought-provoking, pre-reading questions as...
Read Write Think: Can You Convince Me? Developing Persuasive Writing
Contains plans for four 40-minute lessons that teach persuasive writing to elementary learners. In addition to student objectives and standards, these instructional plans contain links to PDF handouts and links to sites used in the...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner:workshop 4: Teaching Persuasive Writing
The fourth workshop [58:24] features the classrooms of two teachers: sixth-grade language arts teacher Jenny Beasley and fifth-grade teacher Jack Wilde. Both are teaching units on persuasive writing that allow students to write about...
Grammar Check
Grammar Check:16 Persuasive Writing Secrets & Influential Words (Infographic)
Students will learn tips about persuasive writing from this GrammarCheck infographic. Students will find easy-to-remember steps that will assist students when drafting a persuasive writing piece.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Argument and Persuasion
A slide show with fourteen slides with notes, tips, and examples on how to write a persuasive essay.
4 Teachers: Persuade Star: Writing Persuasive Essays
This free online application is designed to help students in grades 5-12 write an online persuasive essay.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: General Writing Resources
This helpful resource details the process of writing, including how to plan, write, and revise. Content also includes the different types or genres of writing, and exercises in grammar and mechanics.
Western Michigan: Writing Persuasive Messages
A comprehensive guide to writing persuasive and sales messages and letters. Includes information on requests, sales, letters that sell ideas, and collections.
Read Write Think: Argument, Persuasion, or Propaganda? World War Ii Posters
In this lesson, young scholars will analyze World War II posters. Students will first look at the posters as a whole group and will work independently. Young scholars will to determing how the following terms differ: argument, persuasion...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing Arguments
This tutorial focuses on argumentative and persuasive writing: it lists and defines the components of arguments, provides a flow chart for argumentative writing, defines counterarguments, and lists the 3 elements of persuasion: ethos,...
Read Write Think: Persuasive Essay: Environmental Issues
Contains plans for three lessons that teach learners how to write persuasive essays about self-selected environmental issues. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Essay Writing Rubrics
A collection of essay assessment rubrics are provide on this learning module. Several rubrics for narrative essays, persuasive essays, and research papers are provided on this site.
Grammar Check
Grammar Check: Ten Important Triggers for Persuasive Writing
Attention-getting ideas for persuasive writing topics are included in this article. Students can ensure high interest from their audiences by incorporating ideas presented in this article.
Read Write Think: Persuasive Writing for Summer Reading
A good lesson, to be used during the last month of the school year, for motivating students to remain faithful to reading over the summer. Uses strategies such as student-chosen books and persuasive writing techniques.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Sense of Purpose
Not only does this site from Capital College Community Foundation give you a fine explanation of writing purpose and how to identify yours, it also provides good examples of how to develop that purpose in a piece of writing. W.9-10.4...
Bibliomania: Jane Austen Persuasion
Here, read all 24 chapters of the novel, "Persuasion." Website provides a brief paragraph introducing the context, characters, and plot of this Jane Austen book.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Grade 8: Writing a Persuasive Essay [Pdf]
Provides a student model of a persuasive essay on the topic of television violence. Allows students to examine content, format, and structure and includes notes and annotations as student aids throughout.
Persuasive/argumentative Essay vs. Opinion Writing
This lesson plan teaches students that writing a persuasive or argumentative essay for class is the same as writing an opinion article for their local newspaper. The lesson plan includes showing students examples of opinion writings and...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unusual Friendly Letters: Persuasive Writing Techniques
In this activity, learners will use active voice in regards to persuasion. Lesson incorporates the A R.A.F.T. strategy: role, audience, format, topic.
Read Write Think: Creating a Persuasive Podcast
This lesson unit has students research a local, state, national, or international issue of personal interest and create and share a two-minute persuasive podcast presenting their research-based opinions on the topic. It includes tools...
Read Write Think: Analyzing Famous Speeches as Arguments
This multi-session instructional activity features the opportunity to analyze a variety of famous speeches. Students will look carefully at tone, rhetoric, propaganda techniques, and historical context as they write an analysis paper....
Gvsu: Study Guide to Jane Austen's "Persuasion"
This in-depth study guide offers 22 different questions to think about when reading the novel, a list of notable phrases, and a short vocabulary list. Also contains links to other resources on the web.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Professional Writer's Models: Grade 10: Persuasive Essay [Pdf]
From the novel titled "We the Media," this essay from writer Adam Hochschild presents a persuasive argument against the volume of televisions in places of public transport. A good model which can be used as a resource for students.