Instructional Video15:30
TED Talks

Andres Lozano: Parkinson's, depression and the switch that might turn them off

12th - Higher Ed
Deep brain stimulation is becoming very precise. This technique allows surgeons to place electrodes in almost any area of the brain, and turn them up or down -- like a radio dial or thermostat -- to correct dysfunction. Andres Lozano...
Instructional Video21:42
TED Talks

Russell Foster: Why do we sleep?

12th - Higher Ed
Russell Foster is a circadian neuroscientist: He studies the sleep cycles of the brain. And he asks: What do we know about sleep? Not a lot, it turns out, for something we do with one-third of our lives. In this talk, Foster shares three...
Instructional Video13:35
TED Talks

Tony Wyss-Coray: How young blood might help reverse aging. Yes, really

12th - Higher Ed
Tony Wyss-Coray studies the impact of aging on the human body and brain. In this eye-opening talk, he shares new research from his Stanford lab and other teams which shows that a solution for some of the less great aspects of old age...
Instructional Video12:20
TED Talks

TED: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed | Daniel Levitin

12th - Higher Ed
You're not at your best when you're stressed. In fact, your brain has evolved over millennia to release cortisol in stressful situations, inhibiting rational, logical thinking but potentially helping you survive, say, being attacked by a...
Instructional Video4:19

Have You Seen That Face Before?

12th - Higher Ed
You’re probably familiar with that flash of recognition that happens when you see a person and suddenly realize it is someone you know, but neuroscientists have been trying to understand exactly how our brains do this for years.
Instructional Video4:21

TED-Ed: How do our brains process speech? | Gareth Gaskell

Pre-K - Higher Ed
The average 20-year-old knows between 27,000 and 52,000 different words. Spoken out loud, most of these words last less than a second. With every word, the brain has a quick decision to make: which of those thousands of options matches...
Instructional Video11:40
TED Talks

Dessa: Can we choose to fall out of love?

12th - Higher Ed
What's the best way to get over heartbreak? Rapper and writer Dessa came up with an unconventional approach after a chance viewing of Helen Fisher's TED Talk about the brains of the lovestruck. In a wryly funny talk, she describes how...
Instructional Video5:24
Curated Video

How Music Can Heal the Brain

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes you hear music and you automatically tap your foot, or do a little dance, or walk to the beat. What’s happening in your brain that makes your body move like that? Can music’s effects on movement or speech rewire your brain?
Instructional Video18:35
TED Talks

Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness

12th - Higher Ed
Every morning we wake up and regain consciousness -- that is a marvelous fact -- but what exactly is it that we regain? Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio uses this simple question to give us a glimpse into how our brains create our sense of...
Instructional Video13:56
TED Talks

TED: What you can do to prevent Alzheimer's | Lisa Genova

12th - Higher Ed
Alzheimer's doesn't have to be your brain's destiny, says neuroscientist and author of "Still Alice," Lisa Genova. She shares the latest science investigating the disease -- and some promising research on what each of us can do to build...
Instructional Video21:50
TED Talks

Donald Hoffman: Do we see reality as it is?

12th - Higher Ed
Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman is trying to answer a big question: Do we experience the world as it really is ... or as we need it to be? In this ever so slightly mind-blowing talk, he ponders how our minds construct reality for us.
Instructional Video15:21
TED Talks

Beau Lotto + Amy O'Toole: Science is for everyone, kids included

12th - Higher Ed
What do science and play have in common? Neuroscientist Beau Lotto thinks all people (kids included) should participate in science and, through the process of discovery, change perceptions. He's seconded by 12-year-old Amy O'Toole, who,...
Instructional Video10:26
TED Talks

Mary Lou Jepsen: Could future devices read images from our brains?

12th - Higher Ed
As an expert on cutting-edge digital displays, Mary Lou Jepsen studies how to show our most creative ideas on screens. And as a brain surgery patient herself, she is driven to know more about the neural activity that underlies invention,...
Instructional Video8:39

The Science of Dreaming

12th - Higher Ed
Dreaming is one of the weirdest things we do & in this SciShow infusion Hank talks about how science is helping us understand why we dream, what our brains are up to when they're doing it, and why dreaming may be critically important to...
Instructional Video7:57

The Science of Dreaming

12th - Higher Ed
Dreaming is one of the weirdest things we do & in this SciShow infusion Hank talks about how science is helping us understand why we dream, what our brains are up to when they're doing it, and why dreaming may be critically important to...
Instructional Video3:25

Do I Only Use 10% of My Brain?

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow debunks the myth that you only use 10 percent of your brain. So, how much do you really use? And how do we know?
Instructional Video13:47
Neuro Transmissions

The dubious claims of brain training (and what actually works)

12th - Higher Ed
Brain training has gotten a bad rep for saying they prevent Alzheimer’s disease or boost you to 200 IQ. But does that mean you should uninstall all your apps? Well, turns out that not all brain training is created equal. Find out what...
Instructional Video5:00
Neuro Transmissions

What Is Sleep?

12th - Higher Ed
When you catch yourself napping in math class, do you ever ask yourself, "What is sleep? Why do I even need it?" Well, Alie Astrocyte is here to help. We explain what we DO know about sleep and how it affects our lives on a daily basis.
Instructional Video18:14
Neuro Transmissions

How does marijuana affect your brain?

12th - Higher Ed
Marijuana is getting more and more popular every year. Public sentiment is shifting and states across the U.S. have begun legalizing pot for medical and recreational use. But what does marijuana do to your brain? How does weed work in...
Instructional Video5:00
Curated Video

Exploring Temporal Perception

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In this video, we explore the fascinating topic of temporal illusion and how humans perceive time differently. We discuss various theories and examples of temporal illusions, such as the telescoping effect and the oddball effect. Join us...
Instructional Video6:47
Flame Media

Controlling Fear using Virtual Reality

12th - Higher Ed
In his series 'Redesign my Brain', award winning documentary maker Todd Sampson sets out to learn how to manage fear. To demonstrate it is possible to overcome fear Todd will walk on a wire across two skyscrapers – a world first for...
Instructional Video20:43
Neuro Transmissions

I have insomnia. This neurotech says it can cure me.

12th - Higher Ed
Would you shock your brain to cure your insomnia? How about your depression or anxiety? What if you could do it in the comfort of your own home with a hand-held device? That’s what cranial electrotherapy stimulation, or CES, proposes to...
Instructional Video6:27
Curated Video

What is Neuromorphic Computing? | AI 101

Higher Ed
What is Neuromorphic Computing, and how might it help us overcome the von Neumann bottleneck?
Instructional Video3:04

Which Parts Of The Brain Do What?

12th - Higher Ed
Our functional map of the brain has changed. Here's why. Credits (and Twitter handles): Script Writer: David Goldenberg (@dgoldenberg) Script Editor: Emily Elert (@eelert) Video Illustrator: Qingyang Chen Video Director: Emily Elert...