Lesson Plan

Getting the Job Done—Speed, Work, and Measurement Units

For Teachers 6th Standards
How do you convert from one measurement to another? Pupils use unit rates to convert measurements from one unit to another in the 21st segment in a 29-part series. They convert within the same system to solve length, capacity, weight,...

BMI Calculations

For Students 6th - 10th Standards
Obesity is a worldwide concern. Using survey results, learners compare local BMI statistics to celebrity BMI statistics. Scholars create box plots of the data, make observations about the shape and spread of the data, and examine the...
Curated OER

Units of Measurement

For Students 8th
For this units of measurement worksheet, 8th graders solve 10 different problems that include various units of measure. They add each of the units of measure listed in each problem. Then, students determine the length, mass, and capacity...
Curated OER

Finding Mass in the Cosmos

For Students 9th - 11th
In this finding mass in the cosmos activity, students use the equations for the force of gravity, the centrifugal force pushing a planet outwards and the speed of a planet to solve 2 problems. They find the mass of primary bodies given...
Curated OER

Seeing Solar Storms in STEREO-II

For Students 11th - 12th
In this solar storms learning exercise, students use a diagram given the location of two STEREO spacecraft satellites, a coronal mass ejection, the sun and the Earth to solve 2 problems about the coronal mass ejection. Students use...
Curated OER

Seeing Solar Storms in STEREO-I

For Students 8th - 10th
For this geometric calculations of solar storms worksheet, students use a diagram indicating the location of 2 STEREO satellites, the earth and the sun to calculate the distance between a Coronal Mass Ejection and the Earth. They use...
Curated OER

An application of the Parallax Effect

For Students 9th - 12th
In this parallax effect worksheet, students observe 2 photographs taken of an active area of the sun by 2 STEREO satellites and 1 photograph taken of the same active area of the sun by the SOHO satellite. Students observe the shift in...
Curated OER

Black Holes...V

For Students 9th - 12th
In this black hole worksheet, students read about the black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy called Sagittarius A and observe a Chandra image of the area where the black hole exists. Students solve two problems which include...
Curated OER

Calculating Black Hole Power

For Students 10th - 12th
In this black hole activity, students use a given equation that relates the rate of matter falling into a black hole to the power emitted by the black hole to determine accreted mass.
Curated OER

How Fast Does the Sun Spin?

For Students 8th - 10th
In this rotation of celestial bodies worksheet, students determine the speed of the sun's rotation and they determine the number of days it takes the sun to rotate once at the equator. They identify the geometric factor that causes...
Curated OER

The Io Plasma Torus

For Students 11th - 12th
In this plasma torus worksheet, students solve 5 problems including finding the dimensions of the Io torus, determining the formula for the volume of a torus, finding the actual volume of the Ion torus and finding the amount of sodium...
Curated OER

Chandra Studies and Expanding Supernova Shell

For Students 7th - 9th
In this supernova instructional activity, students read about the expanding supernova shell that was discovered by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Students solve two problems including finding the scale of the given images and determining...
Curated OER

Pulsars and Simple Equations

For Students 8th - 10th
In this pulsars worksheet, students read about the spin rate of pulsars and they are given two equations that predict the spin rate in the future of these two pulsars. Students solve 6 problems related to the given equations and...
Curated OER

Balance Point

For Students 10th - 12th
In this math/science activity, students find the balance point of a variety of objects, and complete ten problems. Students look at sketches of objects and calculate the balance point, and also use meter sticks and weights. This is an...
Curated OER

Metric 1 Word Search Puzzle

For Teachers 6th - 8th
In this math learning exercise, students look for the words in the puzzle that are related to the theme of the word search. The vocabulary and spelling are emphasized.