Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Ool
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -ool word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Ot
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -ot word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Oud
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -oud word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Ound
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -ound word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Own
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -own word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Oy
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -oy word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Umble
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -umble word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Un
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -un word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Ut
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -ut word chunk.
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Y Ending
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on words ending in y.
Class Flow: K Addition and Subtraction Lesson
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains vocabulary, strategies and various activities for K-1 Addition and Subtraction.
Class Flow: k.i.m. Content Area Literacy/ Math Vocabulary Lesson
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart covers the integration of literacy into the content area of math using a research based vocabulary strategy.
Class Flow: Looking for Pythagoras Lesson 2
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this second installment, students are tasked to determine the fastest route between two sets of coordinates on a grid, determine the total number of blocks a land vehicle must travel, and find the...
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Ame
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on the -ame word chunk.
Arts Now Learning: Explore the Solar System With Theater [Pdf]
In this lesson, students build upon prior knowledge of the planets in the solar system by becoming aliens living on the planets. As aliens, they learn about their planets and create advertisements to persuade someone to visit them there.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Classroom Planetarium
Create a classroom model of the solar system while teaching about relative size of all the planets, and each planet's distance from the sun.
Class Flow: Daily Calendar Time
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson provides information about how to teach students about calendars and time.
Class Flow: Wintertime Math
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson kindergarten students will explore beginning mathematics by ordering numbers to 30, recognizing sets, recalling number words to ten and matching simple addition sentences to snowflake...
Class Flow: Circle Vocabulary
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson lets students identify, draw, and measure parts of a circle. The lesson compliments 5th grade Harcourt Math, Lesson 23.4. Activote assessment is included at the end of the lesson.
Class Flow: The Layers of the Earth
[Free Registration/Login Required] The lesson teaches fifth grade students about the 4 layers of the Earth. Characteristics of each layer are presented. The lesson incorporates video, student participation, and Activote assessment. The...
Class Flow: The Stock Market Game
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is a basic introduction to the stock market and investment strategy. After presentation of the lesson, the lesson links to a website to play the stock market game.
Class Flow: Ann's First Day
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains reading lessons on Ann's First Day by Constance Andrea Keremes. Phonics lessons on initial, medial, and final consonant sounds. Language lessons on statements and questions and...
Class Flow: Counting to 20
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a counting lesson I designed for a Kindergarten classroom. This lesson is an active practice lesson that requires the students to come to the board and count sets.