Instructional Video8:58
Institute for New Economic Thinking

Invention vs Innovation

Higher Ed
In its purest sense, “invention“ can be defined as the creation of a product or introduction of a process for the first time. “Innovation,” on the other hand, occurs if someone improves on or makes a significant contribution to an...
Instructional Video20:02
Institute for New Economic Thinking

Innovation and the State

Higher Ed
Dan Breznitz, is a Professor and Munk Chair of Innovation Studies, with a cross-appointment to the Department of Political Science. In addition, he is also Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School and the Director of...
Instructional Video11:19
Curated Video

Technological Change: Invention, Innovation, and Market Incentives

12th - Higher Ed
The video is a lecture about the topic of technological change, specifically focusing on the difference between invention and innovation and how they relate to firms and markets. The lecturer discusses the positive effects of...
Instructional Video14:29
TED Talks

Saul Griffith: Everyday inventions

12th - Higher Ed
Inventor and MacArthur fellow Saul Griffith shares some innovative ideas from his lab -- from "smart rope" to a house-sized kite for towing large loads.
Instructional Video18:50
TED Talks

How web video powers global innovation - Chris Anderson

12th - Higher Ed
* Viewer discretion advised. This video includes discussion of mature topics and may be inappropriate for some audiences. TED's Chris Anderson says the rise of web video is driving a worldwide phenomenon he calls Crowd Accelerated...
Instructional Video18:50
TED Talks

Charles Leadbeater: The era of open innovation

12th - Higher Ed
In this deceptively casual talk, Charles Leadbeater weaves a tight argument that innovation isn't just for professionals anymore. Passionate amateurs, using new tools, are creating products and paradigms that companies can't.
Instructional Video7:25
TED Talks

TED: The playful wonderland behind great inventions | Steven Johnson

12th - Higher Ed
Necessity is the mother of invention, right? Well, not always. Steven Johnson shows us how some of the most transformative ideas and technologies, like the computer, didn't emerge out of necessity at all but instead from the strange...
Instructional Video7:45
TED Talks

TED: A life-saving invention that prevents human stampedes | Nilay Kulkarni

12th - Higher Ed
every three years, more than 30 million Hindu worshippers gather for the Kumbh Mela in India, the world's largest religious gathering, in order to wash away their sins. With massive crowds descending on small cities and towns, stampedes...
Instructional Video3:55

TED-Ed: How farming planted seeds for the Internet - Patricia Russac

Pre-K - Higher Ed
What does farming have to do with invention and innovation? Permanent residences, division of labor, central government, and complex technologies--all essential for advancing civilizations--could not have been developed without the move...
Instructional Video4:26
Great Big Story

Sweet Innovations: The Junk Food Wizard

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewDiscover the fascinating journey of William A. Mitchell, an All-American food chemist and junk food wizard whose creations revolutionized the world's taste buds. From the infamous Pop Rocks to the beloved Tang and Cool Whip, Mitchell's...
Instructional Video4:30
Curated Video

Innovators and Dreamers: The World of Inventors

Pre-K - Higher Ed
The video highlights the diverse and inspiring stories of everyday tech heads who have transformed themselves into inventors. From creating innovative solutions for pedestrian safety and portable surgical units to recyclable backpacks...
Instructional Video1:35
XKA Digital

Key innovations often already exist somewhere in your organisation

Higher Ed
Richard has ten years' management experience in the NHS, and an excellent track record in leading on commercial and international innovation through major transformation projects, including at national level. Prior to joining the...
Instructional Video4:27
Brainwaves Video Anthology

Empowering Innovation: The Impact of Genius Hour in Education

Higher Ed
Christopher Weiss has been the Principal of Riverside School in Greenwich, CT since 2012. This video showcases the implementation of a Genius Hour program in a K-5 school, where students are given dedicated time to work on innovative...
Instructional Video3:06
Curated Video

Invention Of Wheel: How Was The Wheel Invented?

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Wheels eased the job of carrying heavy loads across distances, but before the invention of the wheel, the man himself used to carry those heavy loads. Later, he began taming animals, like oxen, horses, donkeys, and camels, and used them...
Instructional Video3:00
Curated Video

The Invention of the Phonograph

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb, also came up with the basic idea for how to record sound. He attached a needle to the diaphragm of a telephone receiver, which etched sound vibrations onto a quickly moving paper. This...
Instructional Video14:33
Curated Video

Innovation Needs Inventors

Higher Ed
By not addressing inclusivity, we are losing entire generations of new minds. MIT Economist John Van Reenan describes this in his research as the "lost Einstein" effect, and argues that to get innovation back on track we need to do a...
Instructional Video11:14
Curated Video

My People are Innovative by Dr. Tasha Thompson-Gray

Pre-K - 12th
Did you know that potato chips, cell phones, and the hairbrush were all created by African American inventors? Kareem did not realize these intriguing facts until his homework assignment turned into an evening of learning. Join Kareem...
Instructional Video11:37
Brainwaves Video Anthology

Alan Kay - Inventing the Future Part 2

Higher Ed
Alan Kay, is one of the earliest pioneers of object-oriented programming, personal computing, and graphical user interfaces. His contributions have been recognized with:the Charles Stark Draper Prize of the National Academy of...
Instructional Video6:56

What is Innovation? - Science of Innovation

12th - Higher Ed
Whether it happens among students in a classroom, or engineers in a laboratory, innovation is a process, a series of steps that begins with imagination, and results in the creation of something of value for society. Provided by the...
Instructional Video12:24
Limonero Films

Kodak: A Lesson in Innovation and Disruption

12th - Higher Ed
This video tells the story of Kodak's downfall due to its failure to adapt to the digital photography revolution. It highlights how Kodak, a once dominant force in the industry, missed crucial opportunities to innovate and embrace...
Instructional Video0:31

Fuel Cell Efficiency - Science of Innovation

12th - Higher Ed
To operate and function efficiently, machines of all shapes and sizes need a source of energy. A series of innovations is helping to make energy conversion within fuel cells as efficient as possible.
Instructional Video1:49
Curated Video

Highlights from the British Invention Show: Innovative Products and Support for Inventors

Pre-K - Higher Ed
The British Invention Show is a platform for innovative thinkers to showcase their new ideas and products. This year, it features an uniquely designed keyboard to prevent repetitive strain injury and a fun learning game called Mathletts,...
Instructional Video12:06
TED Talks

TED: The "adjacent possible" -- and how it explains human innovation | Stuart Kauffman

12th - Higher Ed
From the astonishing evolutionary advances of the Cambrian explosion to our present-day computing revolution, the trend of dramatic growth after periods of stability can be explained through the theory of the "adjacent possible," says...
Instructional Video14:33
TED Talks

David Peterson: Why language is humanity's greatest invention

12th - Higher Ed
Civilization rests upon the existence of language, says language creator David Peterson. In a talk that's equal parts passionate and hilarious, he shows how studying, preserving and inventing new languages helps us understand our...

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