Percentage Fraction Decimal Grid
Divide a square or circle up into a number of parts. The slices or rectangles can be painted various colors and these colors then represented as either decimals, fractions or percentages.
Teach Engineering: Decimals, Fractions & Percentages
Students learn about and practice converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. Using a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot and a touch sensor, each group inputs a fraction of its choosing. Team members convert this same fraction into a...
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
A large collection of teacher resources dealing with fractions, decimals, and percentages at many different levels. There are worksheets, PowerPoints, smartboard presentations, Word, and pdf files for the teacher's use.
Education Development Center
Tune in to Learning: What's a Percentage?
Use this site to learn about percents, and how they relate to decimals and fractions with this interactive online lesson. You will learn about percents, convert percents into fractions and decimals, and find equal parts of a whole.
Gcf Global: Converting Percentages, Decimals, and Fractions
Tutorial provides practice with converting decimals, percentages, and fractions.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Treasure Island: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Can you find Short Jack Gold's treasure? Help him solve the fraction and decimal problems!
Interactive Learning Sites for Education: Decimals
A large collection of links to interactive activities and games on the topic of decimals.
Quia: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Quiz 4
Use this quiz to assess your ability to work with fractions, decimals, and percentages. There is a link with information to review this skill if you have difficulty.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Street Orchestra: Fractions & Decimals
Puzzle together with Adrian and his street band and learn about fractions, decimals and percentages.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Husky Sled: Decimals and Percentages
On this interactive site students learn to express hundredths as fractions and decimals, place decimals in ascending order, and represent simple fractions and decimals as percents.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Conversion of Decimals, Fractions, and Percent
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Identify equivalent ratios as fractions, decimals, and percents.
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Fractions Table
Table shows incremental ordering of fractions with decimal and percentage equivalents.
University of Texas
Inside Mathematics: Percent Cards [Pdf]
This task challenges students to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between fractions, decimals and percents.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Fraction Quiz
This activity allows the student to practice simplifying, converting, and multiplying decimals, percentages, and fractions. There are 3 levels of difficulty and the time limit may be set from no limit to 60 seconds. Additional...
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Fraction Conversion 2 (With Percents)
Young scholars learn how to convert from fractions to percentages.
Bbc Skillswise: Percent and Fractions: Percentages
Tutorial teaches students about percents and fractions.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Algebra
This lesson provides basic instruction on the major concepts in algebra. Content includes a focus on fractions, units of conversion, complex numbers, quadratic equations, factorization and roots of polynomials, solving equations, systems...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Conversion of Decimals, Fractions, and Percent
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Learn how to convert between percentages, decimals, and fractions.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Fisher Boat: Multiplying Fractions
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real-life scenario on a fishing boat. Those skills include using everyday percentages as fractions and decimals, and multiplying simple fractions by whole numbers.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Fashion Store: Fractions and Decimals
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real-life scenario by picking out clothing. Those skills include calculating percentages using fractions and calculating the new cost of a product after a...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Group of Pyramids: Fractions and Graphs
On this interactive website, students practice various math skills using a real-life scenario at the pyramids. Those skills include showing percentages as fractions and decimals and interpreting data in a sector graph.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Fracciones, Decimals Y Porcentajes
In Spanish. Interactive activity to help with the understanding of fraction, operation with fractions, converting fractions to decimals and percentages.
Hopelink: Teaching Percentages
Students can brush up on percentage skills with this lesson and calculate percentages using the "Percent Tricks method." For students to successfully use this method, they must have the ability to multiply and divide whole numbers.
Homeschool Math
Homeschool Math: How to Calculate Percentages
Learn how to calculate percentages in this easy lesson.