Instructional Video2:23

Testing Ways to Protect Against Natural Hazards - NHERI

12th - Higher Ed
The National Science Foundation's NHERI Experimental Facilities allow researchers to test ground-breaking concepts to protect our infrastructure against natural hazards, and enable innovations that help prevent natural hazards from...
Instructional Video2:34

Green Roofs - Science Nation

12th - Higher Ed
These days it seems everything is going green. Now you can add green roofs to that list. A green roof is covered with a waterproof membrane, a growing medium (such as dirt) and vegetation. Environmentalists have long touted the benefits...
Instructional Video1:12
Curated Video

Green Chemistry Principles - Energy Efficiency

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about the green chemistry principle that concerns energy efficiency, as a part of environmental chemistry. Many chemical processes are designed to be as efficient as possible. It is very costly if a chemical synthesis is...
Instructional Video4:29
Curated Video

Problems with Plastics & Biodegradable Plastics

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about the problems with plastics and biodegradable plastics as part of the recycling topic within environmental chemistry.
Instructional Video1:03
Curated Video

Wind Turbines: Harnessing the Power of the Wind for Renewable Energy

3rd - 12th
New ReviewWind turbines are giant futuristic windmills that use the power of the wind to generate electricity. The wind turns the blades of the turbine, which then powers a generator to produce clean and renewable energy. Wind power is...
Instructional Video2:34

Bacteria - Energy Producers of the Future?

12th - Higher Ed
All of us use water and in the process, a lot of it goes to waste. Whether it goes down drains, sewers or toilets, much of it ends up at a wastewater treatment plant where it undergoes rigorous cleaning before it flows back to the...
Instructional Video2:31

What if Waste Water Could be Turned into Energy?

12th - Higher Ed
All of us use water and in the process, a lot of it goes to waste. Whether it goes down drains, sewers or toilets, much of it ends up at a wastewater treatment plant where it undergoes rigorous cleaning before it flows back to the...
Instructional Video2:34

EcoVolt generates energy from wastewater

12th - Higher Ed
Spun out of MIT in 2006, Cambrian Innovation is commercializing a portfolio of environmental solutions based on newly discovered electrically active microbes. By harnessing the power of bio-electricity and advances in electrochemistry,...
Instructional Video3:04

Off the water grid: Energy efficient and sustainable

12th - Higher Ed
This University of Miami residence hall may look typical, but students in one of the apartments are participating in research involving one of the planet's most precious commodities--water. With support from the National Science...
Instructional Video3:04

Off the water grid Energy efficient and sustainable

12th - Higher Ed
This University of Miami residence hall may look typical, but students in one of the apartments are participating in research involving one of the planet's most precious commodities--water. With support from the National Science...
Instructional Video15:44

Interview with EPA Administrator McCarthy

12th - Higher Ed
Hank interviews Administrator Gina McCarthy of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. They discuss getting people to care about climate change, the EPA's goals going into the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and the...
Instructional Video15:21

Interview with EPA Administrator McCarthy

12th - Higher Ed
Hank interviews Administrator Gina McCarthy of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. They discuss getting people to care about climate change, the EPA's goals going into the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and the...
Instructional Video9:55
TED Talks

TED: The powerful possibilities of recycling the world's batteries | Emma Nehrenheim

12th - Higher Ed
The world has plenty of clean energy. The problem is storing that energy and getting it where we need it, when we need it, says battery recycling pioneer Emma Nehrenheim. While batteries are fundamental to powering a sustainable future,...
Instructional Video27:42
TED Talks

Bill Gates: Innovating to zero!

12th - Higher Ed
At TED2010, Bill Gates unveils his vision for the world's energy future, describing the need for "miracles" to avoid planetary catastrophe and explaining why he's backing a dramatically different type of nuclear reactor. The necessary...
Instructional Video15:16
TED Talks

TED: Hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests | Tasso Azevedo

12th - Higher Ed
Save the rainforest is an environmental slogan as old as time — but Tasso Azevedo catches us up on how the fight is actually going these days. Spurred by the jaw-dropping losses of the 1990s, new laws (and transparent data) are helping...
Instructional Video11:20
TED Talks

TED: Tracking the whole world's carbon emissions -- with satellites and AI | Gavin McCormick

12th - Higher Ed
What we know today about global greenhouse gas emissions is mostly self-reported by countries, and those numbers (sometimes tallied manually on paper!) are often inaccurate and prone to manipulation. If we really want to get serious...
Instructional Video7:14
Curated Video

Space Exploration Isn’t Great for the Earth (But It Could Be)

12th - Higher Ed
Building and launching rockets to learn about other worlds hasn't been great for Earth, but environmental engineers are working on changing that legacy.
Instructional Video12:38
TED Talks

TED: What you need to know about carbon removal | Gabrielle Walker

12th - Higher Ed
What do woolly pigs have to do with climate change? They're part of a vital, ingenious and evolving strategy to take carbon out of the sky and store it safely -- in trees, soils, the ocean, buildings, rocks and deep underground. Every...
Instructional Video3:45

TED-Ed: Biofuels and bioprospecting for beginners - Craig A. Kohn

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Biofuels can provide energy without the reliance on environmentally harmful fossils fuels -- but scientists are still searching for a plentiful source. Craig A. Kohn demonstrates how cellulose, the naturally abundant tough walls of plant...
Instructional Video59:23
World Science Festival

Nanotech And The Future Of Energy: Much Ado About Nearly Nothing

6th - 11th
Nanotechnology has found its way into a wide range of consumer products, from cell phones to odor-resistant socks. But is this tiny tech up to one of the biggest challenges of our time: meeting the energy demands of an exploding...
Instructional Video3:24

Oil spill cleanups: finding the right chemistry

12th - Higher Ed
Sunlight plays a key role in the natural degradation of oil after a spill, oxygenating the oil so it dissolves in seawater and comes in contact with microbes that will break it down. But, under certain conditions, sunlight can have...
Instructional Video5:40
Curated Video

What Types of Chemical Industries Are There

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about different types of chemical industries, from agriculture to pharmaceutical to energy, and many other uses. In this video, we consider the environmental impact caused by a range of different types of chemical...
Instructional Video3:51
Curated Video

What Is Carbon Neutral and Biofuels

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about carbon neutral and biofuels, as a part of environmental chemistry. Coal, oil, natural gas, shale gas and gas from fracking are fossil fuels formed hundreds of millions of years ago from living things that got...
Instructional Video2:55

Life in a puddle

12th - Higher Ed
In episode 21, Jordan and Charlie chat about the origins of life, polar bears in the summer time and what it takes to limit energy consumption at home.

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