Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Single Replacement Reactions
Definition of single replacement (or single displacement) reactions. Predicting and determining the products using the reactivity series.
Clackamas Community College
Clackamas Community College: Single Replacement Reactions
A very useful site that includes examples of replacement reactions as well as exercises for practicing balancing replacement reactions.
Virginia Tech
Types of Equations
After learning about and reviewing the types of chemical equations and rules for balancing, students can practice balancing equations on interactive quizzes.
Class Flow: Reaction Types
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students cover the five general types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single-displacement, and double-displacement. The flipchart concludes covering the reactions as the...
Science Struck
Science Struck: The Various Types of Chemical Reactions
A detailed description of the different types of chemical reactions in organic and inorganic chemistry.
Crescent Public Schools
The Internet Science Room: Types of Chemical Reactions
Students learn about the five different types of chemical reactions, as well as the three classifications of reactions.
Chemistryland: Types of Chemical Reactions Quiz
Seven problem online chemistry quiz that tests understanding of the five categories of chemical reactions.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Examples of Single Replacement Reactions
Explains what a single replacement, or displacement, reaction is; describes the two types - cation and anion replacement reactions; and gives examples of chemical reaction equations for each.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Double Replacement Reactions
Definition and examples of double replacement reactions. Predicting and balancing neutralization and precipitation reactions.