Instructional Video6:55

Introduction to computer hardware and software : What is a Computer?

Higher Ed
From the section: The Visible Computer. In this section, we learn more about primary PC computer, external connections and learn more about computer. Computers are everywhere if you know where to look! What are the parts and the...
Instructional Video6:55
Curated Video

CompTIA A+ Certification 220-1001: The Total Course - What is a Computer?

Higher Ed
Computers are everywhere if you know where to look! What are the parts and the functions of a computer? What do all these devices have in common? This clip is from the chapter "The Visible Computer" of the series "CompTIA A+...
Instructional Video9:36
Crash Course

Boolean Logic & Logic Gates: Crash Course Computer Science

12th - Higher Ed
Today, Carrie Anne is going to take a look at how those transistors we talked about last episode can be used to perform complex actions. With the just two states, on and off, the flow of electricity can be used to perform a number of...
Instructional Video5:42

Explain web security : Basic Terminologies

Higher Ed
From the section: First Steps. In this section, the viewer will be introduced to the course with a look at the course in general, have a look at some of the operating systems used in this course, and begin to understand basic...
Instructional Video28:51

Windows 11 arrives; what's new, how it compares to macOS

Higher Ed
Microsoft announced its latest version of its Windows operating system, Windows 11, last Thursday. Some changes look similar to macOS, but others seem to hit directly at Apple and its closed ecosystem. Macworld executive editor Michael...
Instructional Video2:57

Explain web security : The Course Overview

Higher Ed
From the section: First Steps. In this section, the viewer will be introduced to the course with a look at the course in general, have a look at some of the operating systems used in this course, and begin to understand basic...
Instructional Video6:43
Curated Video

Introduction to IT and Cybersecurity: Functional Areas of IT Operations

Higher Ed
Part 6/16 of Introduction to IT and Cybersecurity series: The video discusses the various functional areas of an IT department, starting with the basic organizational chart that includes positions such as IT manager, CTO/CIO, application...
Instructional Video10:29

Create a computer vision system using decision tree algorithms to solve a real-world problem : Building Deep Neural Networks with Keras, Normalization, and One-Hot Encoding.

Higher Ed
From the section: Deep Learning and Tensorflow: Part 1. In this section, we’ll talk about what Deep Learning is, and how TensorFlow works at a low level. Deep Learning and Tensorflow: Part 1: Building Deep Neural Networks with Keras,...
Instructional Video9:30

Create a computer vision system using decision tree algorithms to solve a real-world problem : Intro to Deep Learning and Tensorflow

Higher Ed
From the section: Deep Learning and Tensorflow: Part 1. In this section, we’ll talk about what Deep Learning is, and how TensorFlow works at a low level. Deep Learning and Tensorflow: Part 1: Intro to Deep Learning and Tensorflow
Instructional Video6:01

How Meltdown and Spectre Make Your Computer Vulnerable

12th - Higher Ed
Another year, another security breach that could expose all of your information. Installing updates might be a good New Year's resolution.
Instructional Video8:59
Curated Video

CompTIA A+ Certification 220-1001: The Total Course - System Setup

Higher Ed
A small system-setup program built into the motherboard firmware enables techs to configure low-level features and options for the system’s hardware. A good tech needs to know how to access and use system setup on any computer. This clip...
Instructional Video4:33

World of Computer Networking Your CCNA start - Applications and Protocols

Higher Ed
This video introduces you to the basic protocols for applications. This clip is from the chapter "Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Models" of the series "World of Computer...
Instructional Video2:14

Arduino for Beginners - 2022 Complete Course - Install the Arduino IDE on Your Computer

Higher Ed
This video explains the installation of the Arduino IDE on your computer. This clip is from the chapter "Install and Set Up Arduino IDE + Tinker cad Simulation" of the series "Arduino for Beginners - 2022 Complete Course".This section...
Instructional Video10:57

Describe the different types of malware that could affect a computer system or network : Backdoors

Higher Ed
From the section: Exploring Malware Functionalities. In this section, you learn how the behavior of malware is different in various classes of malware, and such an insight helps you to understand the class of malware while you are...
Instructional Video4:28

Implement arithmetic operations in a computer program : Arithmetic operators in Python: Python Basics

Higher Ed
From the section: Setting up Python and Jupyter Notebook. This section gets you started with Python. This section will help you set up the python and Jupyter environment on your system and it'll teach you how to perform some basic...
Instructional Video9:20

Introduction to computer hardware and software : Troubleshooting Power Supplies

Higher Ed
From the section: Power Supplies. Here, we check our power supply, mount the power supply and learn how to cool our PC. If the power supply fails, a system simply will not operate. There are simple tricks and tips to diagnose and...
Instructional Video6:37

Describe the different types of malware that could affect a computer system or network : Keyloggers and Information Stealers

Higher Ed
From the section: Exploring Malware Functionalities. In this section, you learn how the behavior of malware is different in various classes of malware, and such an insight helps you to understand the class of malware while you are...
Instructional Video5:02

TED-ED: How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines) - Brian Christian

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Human beings and computers alike share the challenge of how to get as much done as possible in a limited time. Over the last fifty or so years, computer scientists have learned a lot of good strategies for managing time effectively - and...
Instructional Video15:19
TED Talks

John Underkoffler: Pointing to the future of UI

12th - Higher Ed
Minority Report science adviser and inventor John Underkoffler demos g-speak -- the real-life version of the film's eye-popping, tai chi-meets-cyberspace computer interface. Is this how tomorrow's computers will be controlled?
Instructional Video5:39

Why Was the WannaCry Attack Such a Big Deal?

12th - Higher Ed
On Friday, May 12th, 2017, the ransomware program WannaCry started spreading to computers all over the world at an alarming rate. A couple days later, it was basically completely contained with very little damage done. So what happened?
Instructional Video4:14

The Beginners 2022 Cyber Security Awareness Training Course - Apple Part I

Higher Ed
You will learn about the general security around Apple computers. You will also learn why Apple operating systems can be very secure most of the time but can sometimes be just as insecure as other computers. In addition, you will be...
Instructional Video7:12
Programming Electronics Academy

Download and Install the Arduino IDE for MAC :: Arduino Crash Course

Higher Ed
Before you begin using the Arduino IDE, you must first learn how to download, install, and set your preferences. This lesson is specifically tailored for those who use a Mac. (The last lesson covered this same topic, but for PC users.)...
Instructional Video5:53

Learn and Master C Programming - CPU, GPU and 32-bit versus 64-bit Processors

Higher Ed
Learn the role of CPU and its components and also learn about the role of GPU and touch base on differences between 32-bit and 64-bit processors as well as Operating Systems. This clip is from the chapter "Quick Intro To Computer Basics"...
Instructional Video4:45
Programming Electronics Academy

Tutorial 02: Download and install the Arduino IDE: Arduino Course for Absolute Beginners (ReM)

Higher Ed
One of the absolute best things about the Arduino platform is how easy it is to get started. The software that installs on your computer is completely free and designed specifically for ease of use. The program is called an Integrated...