Instructional Video3:44

Mr. Frosty, the Cancer-fighting Gecko

12th - Higher Ed
Not only is this gecko adorned with beautiful coloration, but the same thing that makes it look so pretty could help us understand where some our cancers come from and how to stop them from progressing!
Instructional Video5:08

A Cancer Gene May Be More Friendly Than We Thought | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Until now, researchers have assumed that healthy cells switch off the enzyme telomerase as a way to protect themselves from turning cancerous. But a new study suggests the enzyme may have a healthier role than we previously thought....
Instructional Video5:08

A Cancer Gene May Be More Friendly Than We Thought | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Until now, researchers have assumed that healthy cells switch off the enzyme telomerase as a way to protect themselves from turning cancerous. But a new study suggests the enzyme may have a healthier role than we previously thought....
Instructional Video12:42
TED Talks

TED: We can start winning the war against cancer | Adam de la Zerda

12th - Higher Ed
Learn about the latest advances in the war against cancer from Stanford researcher Adam de la Zerda, who's working on some cutting-edge techniques of his own. using a remarkable imaging technology that illuminates cancer-seeking gold...
Instructional Video5:51

Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
A universal cure for cancer would be a truly historic achievement in medicine, and it seems that scientists may have found it... by accident.
Instructional Video1:57

Do Plants Get Cancer?

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever seen a tree with a big, twisted knot growing out of it? That's just one way that plants can show signs of cancer. Quick Questions explains.
Instructional Video6:52

How PET Scans See Cancer

12th - Higher Ed
When someone gets a PET scan to detect tumors and how far a cancer has spread, that machine is actually detecting sugar. Because cancer has a sweet tooth, and this phenomenon, called the Warburg effect, may help us develop new cancer...
Instructional Video4:59

TED-Ed: Hacking bacteria to fight cancer | Tal Danino

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In 1884, an unlucky patient who had a rapidly growing cancer in his neck came down with an unrelated bacterial skin infection. As he recovered from the infection, the cancer surprisingly began to recede. The infection had stimulated the...
Instructional Video4:00

Jimmy Carters Cancer Cure

12th - Higher Ed
In August 2015, Jimmy Carter announced that he had a form of cancer that spread to his liver and brain. A few months later he reported the cancer was gone. How?
Instructional Video4:42

TED-ED: Who's at risk for colon cancer? - Amit H. Sachdev and Frank G. Gress

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer and cancer death in the world. It is also one of the most preventable types of cancer, as it often takes about ten years for a small polyp to grow and develop into a cancerous one. So...
Instructional Video5:13

Personalized Cancer Treatment Just Got Harder

12th - Higher Ed
Scientists are working to develop personalized cancer treatments, but one obstacle in the way is figuring out how different cells react to one another.
Instructional Video4:11

Genetically Engineered Cancer-Fighting Algae

12th - Higher Ed
Learn how scientists are fighting cancer... with algae!
Instructional Video5:06

TED-Ed: Why is it so hard to cure cancer? - Kyuson Yun

Pre-K - Higher Ed
We've harnessed electricity, sequenced the human genome, and eradicated smallpox. But after billions of dollars in research, we haven't found a solution for a disease that affects more than 14 million people and their families at any...
Instructional Video6:51

A Needle So Tiny It Injects Into A Single Cell

12th - Higher Ed
It may be possible to create a needle so small it can inject a vaccine into a single cell. But it's not the product of a medical device company. It's part of something we often think of as making us sick.
Instructional Video5:12

TED-Ed: How does chemotherapy work? | Hyunsoo Joshua No

Pre-K - Higher Ed
During World War I, scientists were trying to develop an antidote to the poisonous yellow cloud known as mustard gas. They discovered the gas was irrevocably damaging the bone marrow of affected soldiers. This gave the scientists an...
Instructional Video2:40

Researchers aim to personalize breast cancer treatments

12th - Higher Ed
With support from the National Science Foundation, bioengineer Karen Burg and her colleagues at Clemson University are developing and demonstrating a new, integrative means of studying the complex behavior of cancer cells in breast...
Instructional Video5:47
Curated Video

Tissue Culture: Growing Identical Cells for Plant Breeding and Medical Research

Higher Ed
This is a video that explains the concept of tissue culture, which is a technique used to grow cells or tissues in a liquid or solid medium that contains nutrients. The video describes the process of tissue culture, as well as the...
Instructional Video3:05
Curated Video

What Is Cancer?

12th - Higher Ed
What happens to cells for cancerous growths to occur? Your body is made up of millions and millions of cells. In fact there are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the body. These cells are dying and being replaced all the time. Cancer...
Instructional Video2:33

Breakthrough In Early Cancer Detection

12th - Higher Ed
There are only a few procedures that can detect very early signs of cancer. Those that do are often invasive, expensive and uncomfortable, leading to poor screening rates. With support from the National Science Foundation, Vadim Backman...
Instructional Video6:09
Curated Video

Understanding Cancer: Types, Tumors, and Risk Factors

Higher Ed
This video provides an introduction to cancer, explaining what it is, the different types of tumors (benign and malignant), and the risk factors associated with it. The video uses simple animations to visualize the differences between...
Instructional Video
Catalyst University

Endocannabinoids [Part 4] | Effects on Cancer Cells

Higher Ed
In this video, we explore the basic mechanism by which endocannabinoids may shift a cancerous cell toward cell death, autophagy, and cell cycle arrest.
Instructional Video2:33
Curated Video

Breakthrough Cancer Treatments: Prostate Cancer Vaccine and NHL Breakthrough

Pre-K - Higher Ed
This video discusses the development of two breakthrough treatments for cancer. The first is a vaccine against prostate cancer that boosts the immune system and shows promising results in slowing tumor growth. The second is a genetically...
Instructional Video9:03
Amoeba Sisters

The Cell Cycle (and cancer) [Updated]

12th - Higher Ed
Explore the cell cycle with the Amoeba Sisters and an important example of when it is not controlled: cancer. Table of Contents: 00:00 Intro 1:00 Cell Growth and Cell Reproduction 1:42 Cancer (explaining uncontrolled cell growth) 3:27...
Instructional Video9:19

6 Common Misconceptions About Cancer

12th - Higher Ed
Today we take a look at six misconceptions about cancer that seem plausible, but just don't hold up. Chapters SHARKS DON'T GET CANCER & TAKING SHARK CARTILAGE SUPPLEMENTS WILL CURE OR PREVENT CANCER 0:45 IF YOU HAVE CANCER YOU SHOULD...

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