Instructional Video2:55

Are Any Animals Truly Monogamous?

12th - Higher Ed
In the animal kingdom, monogamy is rare and cheating is common, even among seemingly faithful species like the superb fairy wrens. This video explores the biological reasons behind infidelity in birds, highlighting how mating strategies...
Instructional Video2:55

A Mother's Promise

9th - 11th
In 2000, Maria Rivas immigrated from El Salvador to the United States. A year later, she received Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to stay and work legally in the U.S. TPS is set to expire for people from El Salvador in September of...
Instructional Video2:40

Driving Lessons

9th - 11th
Mohammad Ashraf Faridi immigrated from Pakistan to the United States in the 1980s. He settled in New York City, and his family joined him almost a decade later. By then, Mohammad was earning a living driving a cab. His oldest son,...
Instructional Video2:47

The Treasures of Mrs. Grady's Library

9th - 11th
Judge Olly Neal grew up in Arkansas during the ’50s and didn’t care much for high school. One day he wandered into the library, where he came across a book by African-American author Frank Yerby. The cover piqued his interest, but Olly...
Instructional Video42:48

‎On a Mission: Season 3, Episode 6: Air and Shield

Pre-K - Higher Ed
As we fly around with NASA pilots, we’ll explore Earth’s air space with scientists Annmarie Eldering and Armin Sorooshian -- from wispy clouds high above, to tiny particles that make up air pollution.
Instructional Video7:25
Professor Dave Explains

Animal Ecology (Fauna) Part 2: Water Balance and Photoperiods

12th - Higher Ed
We've been talking about animals in the context of ecology, so let's continue and examine water balance, as well as photoperiods. How do animals regulate water intake? How do they excrete waste? How do they interact with sunlight? Let's...
Instructional Video4:50
Curated Video

Exam Stress: How to plan ahead to be Stress Free. (Animation)

Higher Ed
Exams, the dreaded 5 letter word in every student’s vocabulary. Just the mere mention of it is enough to induce stress; every student’s worst enemy. Hold onto your adrenaline and don’t get stressed for we have got you covered. So what is...
Instructional Video0:44
Next Animation Studio

Influx of spiders in UK homes

12th - Higher Ed
The reason why there is an increase of spiders appearing in people's' home is because it is mating season from September until October, the BBC reports.
Instructional Video1:02
Next Animation Studio

Autumnal equinox explained: Fall begins with the arrival of the autumnal equinox

12th - Higher Ed
The transition from summer to autumn is usually marked by cool breezes and leaves changing color, though officially, fall does not begin until the autumnal equinox. The Earth is split by the the equator into northern and southern...
Instructional Video0:53
Next Animation Studio

What happens during the June 21 summer solstice

12th - Higher Ed
The 2018 summer solstice will soon be upon us, marking the beginning of different seasons depending on where you live. The earth rotates on a tilted axis while orbiting the sun, which means different parts of the planet are pointed at or...
Instructional Video0:40
Next Animation Studio

Swedish town installs light therapy lamps at bus stops

12th - Higher Ed
An energy company in northern Sweden has installed light therapy lamps at 30 bus stops across the town in an attempt to combat the winter blues. On a typical December day the town of Umea see only around four hours of sunlight, leading...
Instructional Video4:30

TED-Ed: The bug that poops candy | George Zaidan

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Aphids can reproduce incredibly fast: they can make 20 new generations within a single season. And that means lots of poop. Some aphid populations can produce hundreds of kilograms of poop per acre— making them some of the most prolific...
Instructional Video2:01
Curated Video

NASA’s TESS Delivers New Insights Into an Ultrahot World

3rd - 11th
Measurements from NASAs Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have enabled astronomers to greatly improve their understanding of the bizarre environment of KELT-9 b, one of the hottest planets known. Located about 670 light-years...
Instructional Video1:39

Weather Things: Spring

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video7:09

Weather Things: Weather Cycles

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video2:30

Weather Things: Autumn

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video4:53

Weather Things: Winter

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video2:31
Curated Video

What Are Vaccinations?

12th - Higher Ed
Vaccinations protect both humans and animals from a wide range of preventable and potentially serious illnesses. With vaccines, we take advantage of one of the most important aspects of the immune system: the ability to develop...
Instructional Video2:17

⛈️ IT'S RAINING IT'S POURING 🌧️ Learn About the Rainforest | Lingokids

Pre-K - 4th
⛈️ IT'S RAINING IT'S POURING 🌧️ Learn About the Rainforest | Grab your raincoat and join Lisa the Cat to learn vocabulary about the weather in this fun adventure in the jungle! Help your little one learn about the environment, nature,...
Instructional Video1:56
Curated Video

Ten-Year Gap in Major Hurricanes Continues

3rd - 11th
Could the first tropical storm of the Atlantic hurricane season break the 10-year “hurricane drought” record? It has been a decade since the last major hurricane, Category 3 or higher, made landfall in the United States. This is the...
Instructional Video1:55
Barcroft Media

Wildebeest Gives Birth To Clumsy Calf: SNAPPED IN THE WILD

Higher Ed
BIRTHING season for the Tanzanian wildebeests sees thousands of calves being born at once - and one new baby struggles to find its feet. Visiting the Ngorongoro area of the southern Serengeti in the months of February and March, it is...
Instructional Video3:40

The arctic ground squirrel sheds light on circadian rhythms

12th - Higher Ed
The arctic ground squirrel has developed highly specialized adaptations to extreme environments, and it has a lot to teach us about circadian rhythms and biological clocks. This species maintains circadian rhythms throughout the arctic...
Instructional Video9:36
Australian Children's Television Foundation

On a Mission to Rescue an Urban Possum

9th - 12th
Season 1, Urban Vet part 1. In this reverse episode, Kayne challenges Brandon to help save animals that live in the city or get into a spot of bother living alongside humans. Brandon's first mission is to save a possum stuck in a...
Instructional Video3:51
Australian Children's Television Foundation

How to Remove a Fish Hook from a Turtle

9th - 12th
Season 1, Urban Vet part 2. The animal hospital is the next stop on Brandon's Melbourne mission. A turtle has swallowed a fish hook, which has put its life in danger. Explore how a veterinarian performs surgery to extract the hook from...