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234 results:
andrew jackson presidencyClear All
The Hermitage: Home of President Andrew Jackson
In addition to a tour of the preserved Hermitage and discussion of its history, this site provides good biographies of both Jackson and his wife, and includes a letter he wrote about her final illness.
US National Archives
Our Documents: President Andrew Jackson's Message, 'On Indian Removal'
Interactive image of the original document through which President Andrew Jackson called for "Indian Removal," in 1830. Includes transcription as well as background and overview of the text and results of the Indian Removal policy.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Us History: 1800 1848: The Presidency of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was the president for the common man. Under his rule, American democracy flourished as never before- but the economy and the Native American population suffered at his hands.
Digital History
Digital History: The Presidency of Andrew Jackson
The campaign of 1828 was heated and bitter. Read about the man who was elected, Andrew Jackson, his background, and the basis of his administration.
The White House
The White House: Presidents: Andrew Jackson
The White House's official site gives a brief overview of Andrew Jackson's life as the seventh President of the United States. A portrait is included.
University of Groningen
American History: Biographies: Andrew Jackson: Jackson and Congress
As part of this larger biography of Andrew Jackson is this discussion of his relationship to Congress. Included are his attempt to correct the corruption in the bureaucracy and the major legislative events of his presidency.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: A Strong Presidency
See how Andrew Jackson handled his role as president and advocate of the common man. His using the spoils system had an altruistic beginning, but it soon became a function of corruption.
Digital History
Digital History: Democracy and President Jackson [Pdf]
Andrew Jackson was a larger than life individual. Read about his successes before his election to the presidency and find out about his policies once he became president. [pdf]
Open Stax: A New Political Style: From John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson
By reading this section of a chapter on "Jacksonian Democracy," students will be able to explain and illustrate the new style of American politics in the 1820s, describe the policies of John Quincy Adams's presidency and explain the...
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Gilder Lehrman Institute: History by Era: The Age of Jackson
[Free Registration/Login Required] Read about the growth of the United States in population, economy, territory during the Age of Jackson. Named after the dynamic president, Andrew Jackson, the age encompassed much more than Jackson's...
Common Lit: Andrew Jackson's Speech to Congress on "Indian Removal"
A learning module that begins with "Andrew Jackson's Speech to Congress on 'Indian Removal'" by President Andrew Jackson, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as...
University of Groningen
American History: Essays: Andrew Jackson and Bankwar: Removal of Deposits
After the re-election of Andrew Jackson in 1832, he began the process of having government deposits removed from the Second Bank.
University of Groningen
American History: Essays: Andrew Jackson and the Bankwar: The Investigation
Discusses the investigation that Andrew Jackson launched into the Second Bank of the United States after suggestions that it was meddling in politics, and Nicholas Biddle's response. Jackson took the issue to Congress, asking them to...
Pbs: Indian Removal Andrew Jackson's Role
This site from PBS shows that Jackson was instrumental in the removal of the Cherokee population from Georgia and Florida. This site discusses his role in that policy. Links to related sites. Bibliography available at "Resource Bank" page.
University of Groningen
American History: Biographies: Andrew Jackson: Henry Clay and the "Bank Wars"
Part of a biography of American president Andrew Jackson, this article surveys Jackson's veto of the Second Bank of the United States and the political intrigue involved in that.
Siteseen: American Historama: Andrew Jackson
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Andrew Jackson and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Architect of the Capitol: Andrew Jackson
A photo of the statue of Andrew Jackson in the U.S. Capitol. There is some brief biographical information provided as well.
Henry J. Sage
Sage American History: The Age of Jackson
Article covering the Age of Jackson, characterized in part, by expanded democracy, changes in political life, domestic issues and scandal.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Age of Jackson: The Rise of the Common Man
Describes how Andrew Jackson emerged as the first populist president to appeal to the common man.
University of Virginia
Miller Center at Uva: u.s. Presidents: Andrew Jackson: Campaigns and Electiions
Scroll through this article to the Campaign and Election of 1832. Find out who ran against Andrew Jackson and what political parties were involved.
Ducksters: Biography of President Andrew Jackson for Kids
Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States and you can find his life story on this website.
Chicago Tribune: Presidential Portraits: Andrew Jackson [Pdf]
One-page illustrated profile of Andrew Jackson itemizes select biographical facts and key events of his presidency.
US National Archives
Our Documents:president Jackson's Message to Congress 'On Indian Removal' (1830)
On December 6, 1830, President Jackson spoke to Congress about his position on relocating Indians in order to make way for settlers in the west. This paved the way for government policy in dealing with native peoples even after his...
Open Stax: The Rise of American Democracy
After reading this section of a chapter on "Jacksonian Democracy", students will be able to describe the key points of the election of 1828 and explain the scandals of Andrew Jackson's first term in office.