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agriculture educationClear All
San Diego State University
Sdsu: Farmers Around the World [Pdf]
A detailed resource for educators on the history of early farming and its influence on man and different civilizations. Archaeological sites are analyzed - crops, pottery, artifacts, early cultures.
University of Nebraska Omaha
Ec Ed Web: Virtual Economics Web Companion
The Virtual Economics Web Companion for K-12 economics and social studies teachers was created by the National Council on Economic Education. A wide variety of educational materials and lesson plans can be accessed through this site....
South Carolina Official Site
The official site for the State of South Carolina provides information on state government, education, facts, history, health, travel, recreation, agriculture, environment, employment and more.
The Tribune: India
India's Tribune is a daily newspaper covering the latest news and issues in India. Content includes a focus on the latest headlines, education, health, science, sports, and more.
Welcome to New Mexico
The official site for the state of New Mexico includes information on living and working in New Mexico, education, services, government, and agencies.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Science Today 2004 Corn Crop Is a Bin Buster
With this resource, students will examine and evaluate data on the corn harvest in the United States over the past several years. Using the USA TODAY Snapshot "2004 corn crop is a bin-buster," data from the USDA Statistics Service...
Pbs Teachers: Why Does Evolution Matter Now?
Discover how evolution affects your world and how understanding evolution can help solve problems in medicine, agriculture, and the environment. Investigate the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.
Silicon Valley History Online
A great treasure trove of early photos and narrative on agriculture, education, people, technology, transportation, and urban life in the Silicon Valley area.
US Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service: Pennsylvania Fact Sheet
Find an all-in-one sheet of key statistics about Pennsylvania regarding population, income, education, employment, top commodities, top exports, and agricultural data.
Digital History
Digital History: The South's Economy
A good look at the economy of the South prior to the Civil War. Read a good explanation of how the use of slave labor impeded technological innovation and a lack of urban development. See how transportion improvements and good public...
US National Archives
Our Documents: Morrill Act (1862)
Primary document (and transcription) of Morrill Act, which provided land to states to use in the establishment of agricultural colleges.
Almond Board of California
A collection of resources about almonds, with many educational pages and fact sheets available in languages other than English. Learn about the nutritional and health value of almonds, how they are grown, and their importance to...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: George Washington Carver
This brief article from MIT Invention Dimension on George Washington Carver (1865-1943 CE) provides an overview of his education and his inventions, which influenced the world of agriculture.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Chemist
The BLS offers an overview of the career of a chemist. The website provides a general description of what being a chemist is like and includes information on the type of education and experience a chemist needs.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: Evolution's Importance to Society
Take a look at this article and find out what things we do everyday that impact or are impacted by evolution. Resources and educator links provided.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Peanuts, Pecans, and Peas, Please
George Washington Carver, a great scientist, changed the economy of the South with his agricultural knowledge. This lesson will investigate how the lowly peanut kept the cotton farmers from losing everything.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Economic Sectors and International Development
Using poverty rate as a measure of development, students select countries five at a time to compare how resources are allocated to three economic sectors (agriculture, industrial, service). After making comparisons, students will...
Seafriends: Soil Dependence
This website looks at our dependence on soil and what it produces. It includes text, graphs, charts, illustrations and important statistics. Hosted by the Seafriends Marine Conservation and Education Center.
Oklahoma State University
Proceedings of the Oas: Early Granger Movement in the Southwest [Pdf]
An article from the 1941 journal of the Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, which discusses the Granger Movement primarily in Oklahoma and Texas in the last half of the 19th century. Read about the Grange's support for...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: There Is Something in the Water
The United States is losing 60,000 acres of wetlands each year. Is this good or bad? Does anyone really want to live in swamps, fens, bogs, and marshes? Or is it better economics to drain the wetlands for other purposes like agricultural...
US Department of Education
U.s. Department of Agriculture
This site talks about USDA watching out for the well being of children
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Education: Medical Technology
Many medicinal plants native to Africa found their way around the world and into modern medicine. Find out about five such plants at this informative site.
Encyber Pedia
An encyclopedia online. Just look for your topic to find information that you need. Provides information on a wide range of topics.
New York Public Library
Western Migration: The Land Promised Lesson Plan: African American Homesteaders
Part of an online exhibit on the westward migration of African-Americans, this lesson plan looks at those with agricultural backgrounds who moved west following the Civil War and availed themselves of the opportunity to homestead....