Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions Word Problems (Same Denominator)
Practice solving word problems by adding and subtracting fractions. The fractions used in these problems have like (common) denominators.
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Use this site to learn how to add and subtract algebraic fractions, even if there aren't common denominators. Provides plenty of examples.
Mangahigh: Number: Add and Subtract Fractions
This site provides students practice with the concept of adding and subtracting fractions. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Visually Add and Subtract Fractions
Practice adding and subtracting fractions that have different denominators. Problems have fraction diagrams. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions Challenge
Challenge problems involving adding and subtracting fractions that have unlike denominators. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions: Word Problems
In this exercise, students practice adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Add and Subtract Fractions in Inequalities Practice
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Practice adding and subtracting fractions in these problems that include inequalities.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions: Word Problems 2
Practice solving word problems by adding and subtracting fractions. The fractions used in these problems have like (common) denominators. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a...
Cool Math
Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Adding and Subtracting Fractions With Different Denominators
Demonstrates how to add and subtract fractions where the denominators are different. Includes sample problems to try.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions Challenge
Challenge problems involving adding and subtracting fractions that have unlike denominators.
Chili Math: Adding and Subtracting Fractions With Different Denominators
Goes through the steps involved in adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and provides examples.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions: Word Problems 1
Practice solving word problems by adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. Gaby ate 2 slices of pie and Daniel ate 2. If there were 10 slices of pie all together, what fraction did they eat? Students receive immediate...
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Algebra Review: Add and Subtract Fractions
Find a quick, concise explanation of how to add and subtract fractions. Step by step examples are included to help you understand how to find the sum or difference for fractions with both like and unlike denominators.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions Word Problems
Practice solving fraction addition and subtraction word problems. The fractions in these problems have unlike denominators. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract Fractions Word Problems
Practice solving fraction addition and subtraction word problems. The fractions in these problems have unlike denominators.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Understanding that when the total number of parts of a whole are the same, fractions can be added.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Use Visuals to Add and Subtract Fractions With Unlike Denominators
In this exercise, students practice multiplying fractions by fractions. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Intel Corporation
Intel: Fractions Made Visual
Students learn the importance of math accuracy and, more specifically, that knowing how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions make life easier for everyone. To help students come to this understanding, they are assigned to a...
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: "Make One" Operations W Fractions Game
This card game will help students review the basic operations with fractions. The materials needed, the rules of the game, and several follow-up activities are provided here for the teacher as a lesson plan.
Common Core Sheets
Common Core Sheets: Number and Operations Fractions Worksheets
Teachers can assess students' knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions with these printable worksheets. You can even create your own worksheet or flashcards.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers With Unlike Denominators 2
In this exercise, students practice using visuals to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Chili Math: Adding and Subtracting Fractions With Same or Like Denominator
Features steps on how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add/ Subtract Mixed Numbers W Unlike Denominators (No Regrouping)
Practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators. No regrouping required.
Nearpod: Adding & Subtracting: Unlike Denominators
For this lesson, 5th graders will learn how to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers using models and by finding common denominators.