Instructional Video6:41

Imperial China is born! - The Qin and Han Dynasty l HISTORY OF CHINA

12th - Higher Ed
Some linguists say, the name of today's China originates from the name of the Qin dynasty. Marking the beginning of the age of empire in China and founded by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of imperial China. Qin arrange for the first...
Instructional Video1:23
One Minute Economics

China (PRC) Under Mao Zedong and the Communist Party (CPC): Great Leap Forward + Cultural Revolution

9th - 11th
This video covers the economics behind China (or, to be more precise, the People's Republic of China or PRC) under the rule of Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China (CPC). On the one hand, China was coming after a humiliating...
Instructional Video1:15
One Minute Economics

China Before Mao Zedong and Communism* (Marxism-Leninism) in One Minute: History, Politics & Economy

9th - 11th
This is the first video out of 3 about... you've guessed it, China :) More specifically, I've analyzed not just China's economy but also the historic/political dimension in one minute. The data I've used takes us back roughly 2,000...
Instructional Video1:32
Great Big Story

The Great Wall of India

12th - Higher Ed
Hidden between mountains and snaking through remote valleys, the Kumbhalgarh Wall in Rajasthan, India is relatively unknown, even to locals. Still, its grand build and scale make it one of India’s most majestic landmarks. At 36...
Instructional Video1:27
One Minute Economics

China After Mao Zedong in One Minute: From Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping to Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping

9th - 11th
Time for the third and final video of my mini-series about China: one that analyzes China from a politico-economic perspective after the regime of Mao Zedong. It all started with the brief experience of Hua Guofeng and the game-changing...
Instructional Video8:28
One Minute Economics

(Why) Does China Support North Korea and Kim Jong-un? [One Minute News]

9th - 11th
Given the fact that the United States in general and Donald Trump in particular are growing impatient with North Korea and also vocally accusing China of supporting the regime or at least not doing enough to keep North Korea and Kim...
Instructional Video0:17
The March of Time

1937: CHINA: JAPAN OCCUPIED: * HA XWS Mining cavern, mine carts moving below. VS Chinese slave labor workers hammering away at rocks w/ pick axe, loading rock cart. VS Cliff wall exploding, carts full of rocks moving. 'Coolie'

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: CHINA: JAPAN OCCUPIED: * HA XWS Mining cavern, mine carts moving below. VS Chinese slave labor workers hammering away at rocks w/ pick axe, loading rock cart. VS Cliff wall exploding, carts full of rocks moving. 'Coolie'
Instructional Video10:20
One Minute Economics

Bitcoin Volatility: China Ban, Crash + Spike and Altcoin Prices [One Minute Answers]

9th - 11th
Three bitcoin volatility-related questions have been in the spotlight on this week's edition of One Minute Answers from One Minute Economics: 1) a question about the bitcoin situation over in China, specifically about whether or not...
Instructional Video0:20
The March of Time

China to war

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: CHINA EVACUATION: CU Notice on wall. NIGHT: (POV behind) WS People waiting by office doors. INT Americans packing in hotel. WS Americans on boat. CU Sign 'Air Raid Precautions.' VS Americans walking on street w/ luggage. CU...
Instructional Video0:11
The March of Time

China bombing ruins

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: CHINA BOMBING: WS Japanese navy ship in harbor. WS Chinese men standing against the wall looking up. LA XWS Fighter airplanes (not identifiable). CU Cannons firing from ship. XLA WS Fighter airplane flying. WS Explosion in...
Instructional Video0:21
The March of Time

China bombing ruins injured

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: CHINA BOMBING RUINS: WS Chinese running on street, panic, fear. LA WS Silhouette of soldiers on rooftop. GRAPHIC VS Bombed Shanghai streets, dead bodies, debris, injured people, hole in wall, building ruins, balcony, male...
Instructional Video0:19
The March of Time


12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937^ OCCUPIED CHINA: Japanese soldiers posting sign on wall, WS (Behind) Chinese people reading postings. VS Japanese 'helping' Chinese, lighting cigarette for old woman, handing out candy to children, serving cooked rice....
Instructional Video0:18
The March of Time

China Japanese occupation

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1939: CHINA: JAPANESE OCCUPATION: WS Chinese sailboats in harbor. WS Crowded dock. WS Japanese soldiers walking on street. VS Japanese cruiser ships in harbor. MS Japanese man painting over English flag on wall. Second Sino-War WWII
Instructional Video0:18
The March of Time

China building construction

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1941: CHINA: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: LS Scaffolding on building construction Chinese workers. LA MS Engineers w/ plans. LA MS Large pneumatic hammer workers BG. MS Worker drilling. MS Painter painting design on wall. WWII 'Coolies'
Instructional Video0:12
The March of Time

Japanese soldiers Great Wall

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: MAP: China 'Peiping, Nanking, Shanghai,' Japan, highlighting Korea, Manchukuo (Manchuria), Jehol.
Instructional Video8:26
Mr. Beat

The Voyages of Zheng He

6th - 12th
Mr. Beat tells the story of the voyages of the great Chinese explorer Zheng He.
Instructional Video2:14
Curated Video

What Are The 7 Wonders of The World? | KLT Geography

Pre-K - 8th
Let's learn about the 7 wonders of the world!
Instructional Video3:35
Curated Video

Introduction to 7 wonders of the world

Pre-K - 3rd
Explore the 7 wonders of the world in this concise guide.
Instructional Video2:13
Curated Video

Discover The 7 Wonders Of The World! | Geography Song For Kids | KLT

Pre-K - 8th
let's learn about the 7 wonders of the world!
Instructional Video13:01
TED Talks

TED: The warmth and wisdom of mud buildings | Anna Heringer

12th - Higher Ed
There are a lot of resources given by nature for free -- all we need is our sensitivity to see them and our creativity to use them, says architect Anna Heringer. Heringer uses low-tech materials like mud and bamboo to create structures...
Instructional Video16:55
TED Talks

Iwan Baan: Ingenious homes in unexpected places

12th - Higher Ed
In the center of Caracas, Venezuela, stands the 45-story "Tower of David," an unfinished, abandoned skyscraper. But about eight years ago, people started moving in. Photographer Iwan Baan shows how people build homes in unlikely places,...
Instructional Video0:10
The March of Time

Biplanes, Japanese soldiers

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1932: RISE OF MILITARISM: JAPAN: Biplanes in flight. AERIAL Great Wall of China. Japanese soldiers standing at Great Wall of China w/ Japanese flag.
Instructional Video0:05
The March of Time

Map Beijing

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: JAPANESE SOLDIERS: WS Japanese soldiers in full gear marching on Great Wall of China, officers at side w/ paper (possibly map). China war, mobilization, Japanese war machine.
Instructional Video0:06
The March of Time

Map Shanghai

12th - Higher Ed
MOT 1937: JAPANESE SOLDIERS: (POV archway) WS Japanese soldiers in full gear marching on Great Wall of China. China war, mobilization, Japanese war machine.