Instructional Video12:52
TED Talks

Karissa Sanbonmatsu: The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain

12th - Higher Ed
How exactly does gender work? It's not just about our chromosomes, says biologist Karissa Sanbonmatsu. In a visionary talk, she shares new discoveries from epigenetics, the emerging study of how DNA activity can permanently change based...
Instructional Video2:43

Can You Rip a Phone Book in Half?

12th - Higher Ed
If you can find a phone book these days, science is here to help you rip it in half with your bare hands!
Instructional Video5:20

Is MDMA the Solution to PTSD?

12th - Higher Ed
What if the treatment for one of the most daunting psychological conditions were a party drug? New research suggests that might be coming.
Instructional Video5:50

The Weird Reason More Bridges Are About to Fail

12th - Higher Ed
While they are incredible engineering marvels, we don't think about bridges all that much. But there's a good reason we should all be thinking about our bridges, since there's a weird reason that more of them might be at risk of failure...
Instructional Video10:21
Curated Video

How to Avoid Burnout: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills

12th - Higher Ed
It's our final episode of Soft Skills where Evelyn talks about how to take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will. So take all of these soft skills we've talked about and add this last little bit to make...
Instructional Video6:06
TED Talks

TED: The first 21 days of a bee's life | Anand Varma

12th - Higher Ed
We've heard that bees are disappearing. But what is making bee colonies so vulnerable? Photographer Anand Varma raised bees in his backyard — in front of a camera — to get an up close view. This project, for National Geographic, gives a...
Instructional Video14:35
TED Talks

Daniel Reisel: The neuroscience of restorative justice

12th - Higher Ed
Daniel Reisel studies the brains of criminal psychopaths (and mice). And he asks a big question: Instead of warehousing these criminals, shouldn't we be using what we know about the brain to help them rehabilitate? Put another way: If...
Instructional Video11:09
Curated Video

Why So Angry, German Theater? Crash Course Theater #27

12th - Higher Ed
Theater had a slow start in Germany, mainly because Germany wasn't really a thing until *relatively* recent times. After Germany finally became a unified state, it had a couple of really important theatrical movements. Today we'll talk...
Instructional Video4:42
Curated Video

3 Friendly Robots Improving Our Social Lives

12th - Higher Ed
You might think of robots as unfeeling, and maybe even kind of cold, but some robots are specifically programmed to help people improve their social skills and emotional health. Here are a few that might make really good pals!
Instructional Video12:03
Curated Video

The Nervous System - CrashCourse Biology

12th - Higher Ed
Hank begins a series of videos on organ systems with a look at the nervous system and all of the things that it is responsible for in the body.
Instructional Video11:24
Curated Video

Alkanes - Crash Course Organic Chemistry

12th - Higher Ed
Alkanes are kind of the wallflowers of organic chemistry, but they still have important functions in the world around us. In this episode of Crash Course Organic Chemistry we’re building our knowledge of organic molecules by learning all...
Instructional Video12:01

All This Noise Is KILLING Me!

12th - Higher Ed
The sounds we hear every day really do have effects on our health. Not just our ears, but our hearts and even our brains.
Instructional Video18:24
TED Talks

TED: Could a drug prevent depression and PTSD? | Rebecca Brachman

12th - Higher Ed
The path to better medicine is paved with accidental yet revolutionary discoveries. In this well-told tale of how science happens, neuroscientist Rebecca Brachman shares news of a serendipitous breakthrough treatment that may prevent...
Instructional Video2:58

Why Do You Get Hangry?

12th - Higher Ed
Hanger is the grumpiness you feel when you are hungry. We've all been there, but what's the science behind it?
Instructional Video3:02

Are Broken Bones Stronger After They Heal?

12th - Higher Ed
You might have heard that bones are stronger after they break, which sounds ridiculous, but for a short period of time, it might be true!
Instructional Video4:09
Bozeman Science


12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how catalysts can speed up a reaction without being consumed in the reaction. Catalysts can lower the activation energy of reaction be stabilizing the transition state. They can also create new reaction pathways...
Instructional Video9:57

Why We Age - And How We Can Stop It

12th - Higher Ed
Hank hates death, so he helps us understand the process of aging, informs us of how scientists are studying ways to prevent it and brings us the exciting news of current research in longevity... for mice.
Instructional Video11:21

The Chemistry of Addiction

12th - Higher Ed
Hank describes how our brains respond biochemically to various addictive substances and behaviors and where those responses have come from, evolutionarily speaking.
Instructional Video11:20
Curated Video

Great Glands - Your Endocrine System: CrashCourse Biology

12th - Higher Ed
Hank fills us in on the endocrine system - the system of glands which produce and secrete different types of hormones directly into the bloodstream to regulate the body's growth, metabolism, and sexual development & function.
Instructional Video4:16

Extreme Animal Cannibalism

12th - Higher Ed
Evolution doesn't care about ethics - it cares about surviving and getting your alleles out there as much as possible. From that perspective, cannibalism can seem like a pretty good idea to some creatures. Hank introduces us to three...
Instructional Video9:30

5 Body Hacks for When You’re Sick

12th - Higher Ed
No matter how healthy you are, you likely end up feeling sick at least a few times a year. And we have many pharmaceutical options these days to help us feel better. But some non-pharmaceutical remedies are supported by science,...
Instructional Video10:54
Curated Video

Digestive System, part 2: Crash Course A&P

12th - Higher Ed
Nearly 200 years ago, Alexis St. Martin was shot in the stomach. He was saved by local army doctor William Beaumont, but had to live out his remaining years with a gaping hole in the stomach -- allowing Beaumont to learn a lot about how...
Instructional Video2:08

Where Does Love Come From

12th - Higher Ed
When it comes to love, we often talk about our hearts...but we should actually be talking about our brains!
Instructional Video4:49
Curated Video

Here’s When You Should Trust Your Gut

12th - Higher Ed
Trusting your gut may not sound like a reliable way to make decisions, but the research points to some times when you might want to listen to it!

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