Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Safety Safari Poster

For Teachers K - 4th
Learners study the safety hazard list and discuss how students can make good choices in order to be safe and how they can choose between their personal feelings and keeping themselves safe. They brainstorm to make a list of safety...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Fire Safety

For Teachers K
Students explore how to act in the event of a building they're in being on fire.
Curated OER

Safety Fun

For Students 2nd - 3rd
For this safety rules worksheet, learners study the image of the person and the safety rules they are following. Students write a sentence for each example that tells how each child is being safe.
Curated OER

Safety Quiz for Kids

For Students 3rd - 4th
In this safety worksheet, students explore what it means to be safe. Students answer five multiple choice questions about safety.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Electrical Safety Situations

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Learners determine appropriate responses to electrical emergency situations such as a downed power line. They examine an image of a fallen power line before discussing reasons that a line might be down and how to handle the situation....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Safety With animals

For Teachers K - 3rd
Young scholars recognize that they need to take appropriate steps when approached by an unfamiliar animal.  In this dog lesson, students identify reasons not to approach an unfamiliar dog.  Young scholars learn the steps to take if a dog...
Curated OER

Keeping Safe Outside of School

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Review how to stay safe outside of school. This presentation provides several good questions and answer discussion starters to help learners make good choices regarding strangers, peer pressure, and places to play.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What Is Important to Me?

For Teachers 10th - 12th
Young scholars respond to prompt with awareness of personal value of possessions. They list the criteria used to determine worth and value. They listen and ask questions or add comments and check their own measures of value with those...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Growing With Others, Kids on the Grow!

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Students participate in an after school program that promotes accepting differences, self-motivation, teamwork, leadership roles, personal safety and self-responsibility, family unity and recognizing the characteristics of good...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Keeping My Body Safe

For Teachers 5th - 7th
Students explore the concepts of personal body parts and how they should be protected from being abused by others. The use of a scripted personal dialogue reinforces the realness of the problem that could happen.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What are Comfortable (good) and Uncomfortable (bad) Feelings and Situations?

For Teachers 1st
First graders explore and discuss how someone feels when they are not in a safe place or situation and how someone might react when put in an unsafe situation. They view a demonstration performed by puppets that express good and bad...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Putting On Armor

For Teachers 7th
Seventh graders are read the story "EMS Code Blue" and asked to share what they would do in the different situations. As a class, they discuss the importance of getting help for mental or social problems and are given a list of resources...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Colds and Germs

For Teachers K - 2nd
Students determine how diseases are spread from one person to another. They investigate the importance of hand washing to reduce the spread of common colds and other diseases. They listen to teacher read alouds and complete an inquiry...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

STAR Deputies

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Scholars become STAR deputies in a lesson that encourages them to be problem-solvers. Small groups gather to complete a worksheet by answering questions. A discussion presents a scenario in which a problem occurs on the playground. Small...
Generation Rx

Medication Safety Patrol: Pharmacy Crossword Puzzle

For Students 3rd - 6th Standards
Nine pages set to a pharmaceutical theme offers scholars the chance to complete five activities. Worksheet pages include a crossword puzzle, drawing, an object sort, and math puzzles using addition, multiplication, and division.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

"Hector's World" Episode 5

For Teachers 3rd - 4th
Students consider when, and if, they should share information about themselves over the internet. In this online safety lesson, students view the show "Hector's World." They then discuss how to use caution, unsafe feelings, and the help...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Diplomacy, Humor Take New NHTSA Chief Far

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Students explore traffic safety. In this National Highway Traffic Safety Administration lesson, students read the USA Today article titled "Diplomacy, Humor Take New NHTSA Chief Far," respond to discussion questions regarding the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Get Ready to Safely Transport

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders complete multi-curricular activities to learn about trucks and transportation. In this transportation lesson, 4th graders answer questions about specifics for the trucking industry including safety questions and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What Did I Touch Today?

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders describe and adopt behaviors for health and safety. They explore what germs are and how they can make you sick. Through graphing activities, 2nd graders examine the way germs travel and what they can do to prevent the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Growing on My Own, Kids on the Grow

For Teachers K - 2nd
Students participate in an after school program that promotes critical thinking, concern for others, recognizing differences, accepting differences, self-motivation and personal safety. They cover how kids develop, expressing different...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Growing in Communities, Kids on the Grow

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Students participate in an after school program that promotes concern for others, recognizing differences, accepting differences, leadership roles, mentoring, self-responsibility and personal safety. They explore the diversity of their...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Dating Behaviors and Refusal Skills

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Saying no to sex means an individual has the power to decide when he/she is ready to engage in the act, on his/her own terms. Pupils discuss waiting until they are married to have sex, what sexual values are, and how to say no to sexual...
Curated OER


For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Go over the importance of staying safe when handling or coming into contact with medicine. This very short presentation covers some of the key dangers and reasons why children should be careful around prescription drugs.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Personal Development (Safety and Injury Prevention)

For Teachers 9th
Ninth graders explain appropriate procedures for responding to personal, school, and community emergencies. They demonstrate basic first aid skills.

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