
Bartleby.com: Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Narratives Indian Captivities

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Discusses Indian captivity narratives as the result of "involuntary journeying" and their contemporary appeal. Click on the next three names at the bottom of the page to read about some of the captives.
University of Massachusetts

Univ of Massachusetts Amherst: Mary Rowlandson Captive

For Students 9th - 10th
Mary Rowlandson's account of her capture and captivity is retold and illustrated with modern photographs. Includes quotations from her account and a brief bibliography.
Washington State University

Washington State University: Literary Movements

For Students 9th - 10th
This Washington State University site provides a wonderful source for all the literary movements that have taken place in American Literature from 1620-1920. Click on the movement (listed on the left)you are interested in (Naturalism,...
Washington State University

Washington State University: Literary Movements: Captivity Narratives

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site contains definitions and analysis of American captivity narratives. Describes the conventions, rhetorical purposes, and themes of the captivity narrative genre. Lists example captivity narratives.
Unit Plan
Cengage Learning

Heath Anthology: Mary White Rowlandson

For Students 9th - 10th
Examines Mary Rowlandson's account of her captivity in its historical perspective. Discusses the influence of Puritan sermons and the Bible on Rowlandson's writing. Contains reading response and discussion questions and a bibliography.
University of Pennsylvania

Penn Library: European New World Narratives

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Brief analysis on the nature of European narratives about their explorations in the New World.
University of Pennsylvania

Penn Library: Captivity Narratives

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Provides a brief explanation of the role of captivity narratives in the pre-Colonial and Colonial periods in American history. Contains reproductions of primary source documents. RI.11-12.9 17,18.19th Cen Historic
Hanover College

Hanover College: Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative

For Students 9th - 10th
College essay examines Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative in its historical context and in light of her religious beliefs. Analyzes Rowlandson's view that her captivity was punishment by God for breaking the covenant between God and...
Washington State University

Washington State University: Mary Rowlandson & Captivity Narratives Bibliography

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An extensive bibliography of works about the captivity narrative, with special attention to the captivity narrative of Mary Rowlandson.

Msu: Captivity Narratives Bibliography

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This bibliography of American captivity narratives is offered as part of a University of Michigan humanities electronic discussion group.