Hip Hughes History
Christianity 101: Religions in Global History
A short overview of Christianity. Please support the World History Playlist!
Hip Hughes History
Buddhism Explained: Religions in Global History
What does a Buddhist believe? What are the basic beliefs of Buddhists? An introductory lecture to the basics of Buddhism. Please consider support HHH this summer for more World History vids for the kiddies!
Hip Hughes History
Boy Scouts of America vs Dale: American Government Review
A straight forward from the "hip" explanation of the court case which a) allows for some groups to discriminate against gays and lesbians OR b) allows for groups to have the freedom to associate with whom they choose. Perfect for AP...
Hip Hughes History
Article VII Explained: The Constitution for Dummies Series
Without 7 you don't get all the good parts. Lets wrap our heard around ratification of the US Constitution.
Hip Hughes History
5 Ways to Win With Technology in Your Classroom
My five pieces of advice for teachers who find themselves with a 1:1 classroom. Check out my classic flip tutorial • I Flip, You Flip,... and my recommended tech apps • I Flip, You Flip,...
Hip Hughes History
5 Tips for Writing a Great DBQ Essay
HipHughes takes you through essential advice for writing the notorious Document Based Essay. 5 tips which will make terrible writers mediocre, mediocre writers good and good writers great.
Hip Hughes History
19th Century Utopism: The Oneida Community
Take a looksy at a free love commune of the 19th century, the Oneida Community in the heart of NY State.
Hip Hughes History
How To Remove an Insane President: The 25th Amendment, Section 4
How does the 25th Amendment work? How can 14 people remove a President? An explainer on the 25th Amendment, Section 4 which deals with how the VP and the cabinet can remove a crazy President.
Hip Hughes History
Can the President Launch a Nuclear Attack Unilaterally? ("Pressing the Button")
How does the President launch a nuclear attack? Can they do it by themselves are there checks and balances?
Hip Hughes History
Can the President be indicted? Constitutionally speaking?
What are the arguments for and against indicting a sitting President. In this short video we look at both sides as we seek historical, political and constitutional guidance during this current constitutional crisis. Or is it a crisis?
Hip Hughes History
Bacon's Rebellion Explained: US History Review
What led to Bacon's Rebellion? How did it end and what were the consequences? All this and more when you click the magic button!
Hip Hughes History
A Very Important Message to All Returning Students
Not that anyone listens to teachers but if you asked me for advice, this is what I would say.
Hip Hughes History
3 Voting Facts To Impress Your Friends
Impress your friends with 3 fun facts and then make sure you vote and vote early because it is your most important Constitutional duty and I mean, who wouldn't vote this year.
Hip Hughes History
Why Did Trumpcare Fail? or Why They Killed the Bill
My own thoughts on why the American Health Care Act better known as Trumpcare or RyanCare. Why did it fail? How did trump error? TrumpCare Explained • The Bill That Was... ObamaCare Explained • ObamaCare: The Af... Learn about the...
Hip Hughes History
Why Abortion is Legal: Roe v Wade Explained
Why is abortion legal in the United States? What is the Roe v Wade decision? A direct explanation of the 1973 Supreme Court Decision which legalized abortion across the country without any of the politics, bias or controversy. / hiphughes
Hip Hughes History
United States v Shipp Explained
A new HipHughes style involving an Amish rocking chair and an episode of Seinfeld. In this new video we examine the dynamic, tragic and monumentally important case of US V SHIPP. Set against a lynching this case had THREE notable firsts!
Hip Hughes History
Trump, Taiwan and US Foreign Policy
By taking a phone call with Taiwan, President-Elect Donald Trump caused a minor tremor if Chinese-US Foreign Relations. In this video we'll explain the history of Taiwan and how it has effected the United States relationship with China.
Hip Hughes History
The Zenger Trial Explained
An overview of the relationship and history between the 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson and his 14 year old slave, Sally Hemings.
Hip Hughes History
The War on Christianity? The Religious Freedom Restoration Act Explained
A video lecture focusing on Indiana and the controversy regarding its Religious Freedom Restoration Act and anti-gay discrimination. A look through the Constitution and judicial precedent and common sense as I pretend to be Johnny Cash...
Hip Hughes History
The Wall, "The Supreme Court, Religion and Public Schools"
A look at the landmark cases that have helped defined the role religion can play in public schools.
Hip Hughes History
The Vikings: Global History Review
Who were the Vikings? How did they live and what was their impact on the world? Check out other World History videos! • World History
Hip Hughes History
The USA Freedom Act Explained: US History Review
My Social Studies teacher look at how the USA Freedom Act changes the USA Patriot Act. Plus you get to learn what a backronym is.
Hip Hughes History
The Stonewall Riots Explained
A look into gay history in the 20th century leading up to the historic 1969 Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, NYC.
Hip Hughes History
The Stamp Act Congress Explained: US History Review
A super quick overview of the first Colonial Congress, the Stamp Act Congress. Put together in response the the Stamp Act and meeting in 1765, this important event is one of the earliest illustrations of the upcoming American Revolution.