California Academy of Science
Natural Resources Bingo
Bingo isn't just a silly game, it's a great way to practice all types of skills. After reviewing that the earth is composed of natural resources, what those natural resources are, and sustainability, the class plays a game of bingo. The...
eSchool Today
E School Today: Your Cool Basics on Natural Resources
Looks at the two categories of natural resources, what they are used for, their distribution around the world, threats to natural resources, recycling and composting, and conservation.
The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science: 4 Ess3 1: Renewable and Non Renewable Energy
Work samples, phenomena, assessment templates, and videos that directly address standard 4-ESS3-1: renewable and non-renewable energy.
eSchool Today
E School Today: Non Renewable Energy
Learn what non-renewable energy is and the different types.
Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Energy Facts
A collection of facts about energy use broken down into various topic areas, e.g., health impact of fossil fuels, transportation, energy consumption, alternative energies, etc.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Energy, Light and Sound: Natural Resources
A slideshow and a short quiz on natural resources, the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources, and the impact humans have on the Earth's natural resources.
US Energy Information Administration
U.s. Eia Energy Kids: Energy Explained
A comprehensive source of information about energy in all its forms. Each type of energy is explained, along with information about its environmental impact, supported with graphs, charts, and other data. There is a twenty-question quiz...
US Energy Information Administration
U.s. Eia Energy Kids: Energy Sources
Find out about energy resources, and what it means to be renewable and nonrenewable sources.