USA Today
Usa Today: Thunderstorm Safety Guide
August, 2005 article that highlights thunderstorms and offers safety tips to avoid harm during a storm.
Dan Satterfield
Dan's Wild Weather Page: Lightning
Learn facts and statistics about the weather phenomenon of lightning. This illustrated article also includes a lightning experiment and safety tips.
Cod/ Thunderstorms
You can link to single cell, multi-cell, and super cell thunderstorm pictures. Learn about the three stages of thunderstorms.
Kidstorm: Lightning
Learn about lightning formation and lightning safety with this detailed webpage.
K 3 Learning Pages: Web Resources Thunderstorms
Check out this comprehensive list of web resources on thunderstorms and safety. Students and teachers will benefit from the links found on this site.
Noaa: Thunderstorms
Do you know what to do if you're caught in a thunderstorm? This short online quiz will assess how well prepared you really are.
Other How to Be a Storm Spotter
How can you learn to be a storm spotter? This site highlights information on the different types of clouds found in the different types of weather. View the photos of the various clouds. Scroll down to a summary of the information you...