Spacetech's Orrery: Comets Visitors From Afar
This site provides a report on comets, with many links to more detailed information. Content includes a focus on Halley's Comet, Hale Bopp, and Shoemaker-Levy 9.
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: Meteors, Meteorites and Impacts
Very informative and in-depth site about meteors, meteorites and their impacts. This site provides lots of text to inform about meteors, lots of pictures of the different types of meteorites, tables and statistics about meteors and...
Environmental Education for Kids
Eek!: Prairie Plants
Prairie plants are adapted to spend all day in the sun without drying out. Learn about some prairie plants here.
Environmental Education for Kids
Eek!: Wildflowers
Take an online walk with EEK! and view wildflowers of the woods, wetlands and prairies. Then go outside, take a hike, and see if you can spot any of these beautiful bloomers.