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Pbs Online News Hour: Presidential Election Coverage: Vote 2008: Candidates
PBS Online NewsHour provides current election news on the 2008 presidential race with biographical information on Democratic candidate Barack Obama, Republican candidate John McCain, and Third Party candidates Bob Barr and Ralph Nadar....
Pbs News Hour: The Confirmation Process
As part of NewsHour's "The John Roberts Confirmation" site, a chart that describes the confirmation process for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pbs Online News Hour: New Orleans Mayor's Election
Fascinating report on the controversial New Orleans mayoral election. The controversy surrounds absentee ballots, the process, and evacuee voter participation. Audio, video, and a transcript of this April, 2006, report are available.
Pbs Online News Hour: Cuba and the United States
Site is an Online NewsHour report on the relations between Cuba and the U.S. Trade, trade embargo, life in Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis, and many more topics are discussed.
Pbs News Hour: Haiti in Turmoil
This site provides links to the most recent news articles and reports concerning Haiti. Emphasis is placed on Haiti's government, its political history, and its former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Pbs News Hour: The Samuel Alito Nomination
Outstanding and exhaustive site with a number of resources pertaining to the nomination of Samuel Alito. His biography, confirmation process explanation, links to other resources, and educational resources are all included.
Pbs News Hour: The John Roberts Confirmation
Brilliant site that contains a plethora of resources related to John Roberts, the confirmation process, and Supreme Court. Find video and audio of his confirmation. Other resources include a biography and lesson plans.
Pbs News Hour: The Iraq War
News archive, with articles, audio, video, and interactive resources, on the initial intervention in Iraq, beginning with pre-invasion military buildup (fall 2002) and ending with President George W. Bush's declaration (spring 2003) that...
Pbs News Hour: Profile Tariq Aziz
An informative, concise biography of Tariq Aziz, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister. There are also links to other Iraqi leaders.
Online News Hour: September 11, 2001
Comprehensive web page that offers a plethora of outstanding resources for one who is studying the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Pbs Online News Hour: Kennewick Man: Controlling History
In addition to a short explanation of the Kennewick Man and the outcome of the controversy surrounding the remains, this site also provides reactions to the decision, the legal battle, a timeline, and a page on the "First Americans."
Pbs Online News Hour: 2000 Republican National Convention
Online NewsHour coverage of the 2000 Republican National Convention.
Pbs News Hour: 2000 Election Debates
This site from PBS News Hour contains great information on the presidential election debates of the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. It contains text articles of the debates in entirety.
Pbs News Hour: Taiwan's Declaration of Referendum Re Ignites Tensions With China
A December 9, 2003 feature story from PBS that examines the long standing tensions between China and Taiwan and recent events contributing to a rise in tensions. Also provides links to related topics.
Pbs Newshour: u.s. Puts Up Real Barriers to "Virtual Fence" Along Mexican Border
The U. S. government had plans to build a "virtual fence" along the U. S.-Mexico border. Costs and other factors led to led to its replacement. This article highlights the financial and technical problems associated with the project and...
Pbs News Hour: Arizona Passes New Immigration Law
A great deal of controversy surrounds Arizona's new immigration law that makes it mandatory for suspected illegal immigrants to carry proper documentation of their status, or they could be detained by the police. This article is...
Pbs News Hour Extra: Supreme Court Ends Ban on Sale of Violent Video Games
An article about the Supreme Court ending a ban on the sale of violent video games. There are also links to other related items such as a classroom activity and information about the revolution of video games.
Pbs Online News Hour: American Automobile Industry Seeks Rescue Plan to Survive
The major automobile companies in the U.S. need to stabilize themselves in this hurting economy. Learn more about it and share discussion questions as a class. December 12, 2008
Pbs News Hour Extra: Schools Re Open to New Economic Reality
Highlights, activities, and a video examining the struggle of education systems in the United States as a result of the poor economy. (August 30, 2011)
Pbs News Hour: Israeli Settlement Proposal Angers u.s. Officials
Israel's plan to build new homes in the Palestinian territories was met by a negative reaction by the USA. Learn thebackground and details of the plan, and why the USA did not respond in a favorable light. Support resources are included....
Pbs News Hour: 'Red Shirts' Spill 60 Gallons of Blood to Protest Thai Government
Political unrest in Thailand took a bloody turn as protesters dumped gallons of blood into their prime minister's compound as a protest against the class system and corruption. Additional details are included in the web article.Resource...
Pbs News Hour Extra: Egyptian Protesters Demand President Step Down
Wild, violent protests in Egypt over the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. Many young people have joined the protests due to lack of jobs and education in Egypt. Article also reports on the importance of social media such as...