Lesson Plan: More Than One: Irregular Plural Nouns
[Free Registration/Login Required] Irregular plural nouns are introduced in this multisensory lesson plan. Supplementary posters, a video, and practice pages accompany the instructional activity. Compare and Contrast Non Fiction Stories: Extinct Birds
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will compare two informational texts about two extinct birds, the Great Auk and the Dodo. A Venn Diagram is provided to be used when comparing an contrasting tests. W.3.1 Worksheets: Write Opinion Pieces on Topics or Texts
[Free Registration/Login Required] Links to 24 worksheets and graphic organizers that can be downloaded and printed. Each worksheet focuses on skills highlighted in standard W.3.1: Write Rl.3.10 Worksheets: By End of the Year, Read and Comprehend Lit
[Free Registration/Login Required] Links to 30 worksheets and graphic organizers that can be downloaded and printed. Each worksheet focuses on skills highlighted in standard RL.3.10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend... W.3.1.a Worksheets: Introduce the Topic or Text They Are Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 21 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.1.A: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion,... W.3.2 Worksheets: Write Informative/explanatory Texts
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 11 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas... W.3.1.d Worksheets: Provide a Concluding Statement or Section
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 12 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.1.B: Provide a concluding statement or section. W.3.1.b Worksheets: Provide Reasons That Support the Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 17 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.1.B: Provide reasons that support the opinion. W.3.3.d Worksheets: Provide a Sense of Closure
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 12 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.3.D: Provide a sense of closure. W.3.3 C Worksheets: Use Temporal Words and Phrases to Signal Order
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 9 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.3C: Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order. W.3.3 B Worksheets: Use Dialogue and Descriptions
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 30 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.3B: Write Narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using... W.3.3 Worksheets: Write Narratives to Develop Real or Imagined
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 30 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.3: Write Narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using... W.3.2.c Worksheets: Use Linking Words and Phrases to Connect Idea
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 10 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.2.C: Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to... W.3.2.b Worksheets: Develop the Topic With Facts, Definitions,
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 30 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.2.B: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. W.3.2.a Worksheets: Introduce a Topic and Group Related Info
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 18 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.2.A: Introduce a topic and group related information together; include... W.3.10 Worksheets: Write Routinely Over Extended Time Frames
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 12 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.10: Write routinely over extended time frames (times for research,... W.3.6 Worksheets: Use Technology to Produce and Publish Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 7 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and... Sl.3.5 Worksheets: Create Engaging Audio Recordings
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 5 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard SL.3.5: Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems that demonstrate... Sl.3.1.d Worksheets: Explain Their Own Ideas and Understanding
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 4 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard SL.3.1.D: Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. L.3.2.g Worksheets: Consult Reference Materials to Check Spelling
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 15 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard L.3.2.G: Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as... L.3.2.f Worksheets: Use Spelling Patterns and Generalizations
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 30 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard L.3.2.F: Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families,... L.3.2.e Worksheets: Use Conventional Spelling for High Frequency
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 5 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard L.3.2.E: Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and... L.3.4.a Worksheets: Sentence Level Context as a Clue to Meaning
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 30 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard L.3.4.A: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. L.3.3.a Worksheets: Choose Words and Phrases for Effect
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 21 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard L.3.3.A: Choose words and phrases for effect.