Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: Portrait of George Washington
Historical information on famous painting of George Washington by Pearle, with interactive features to click and learn meaning behind items in the portrait and links to an in-depth history of the painting as well as virtual visit to the...
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Colonial Williamsburg: Kids Zone: Tool Trouble
Learning game in which students help the blacksmith in colonial Williamsburg find his tools and learn about the art of working with metals and iron.
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Colonial Williamsburg: Kids Zone: Heads Up for the Colonists
Learning game in which students learn about life in the colonies and colonial dress as they select appropriate hats for each role in colonial society.
University of Groningen
American History: Biographies: John Blair 1732 1800
Scion of a prominent Virginia family, Blair was born at Williamsburg in 1732. He was the son of John Blair, a colonial official and nephew of James Blair, founder and first president of the College of William and Mary. Signer Blair...