Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Techno Letters

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Students explore the alphabet by completing a computer activity. In this letter identification lesson, students utilize Kid Pix to create artwork based upon each letter of the alphabet. Students utilize drawings, type and animation to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Checkmate: Chess, and the connection to the Middle Ages

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Students investigate the different aspects of Medieval Times and the connection to chess.  In this world history lesson, students complete a chart answering questions about the lifestyles of men and women in the Medieval Times.  Students...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Local Heroes

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students investigate heroes in their community by presenting a story of a true hero to their class.  In this storytelling lesson, students interview a local person who has performed a heroic deed and create a presentation with Windows...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

One Song, Many Voices

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Learners discuss the purpose and meaning of the song "One Song, Many Voices" and how the music expresses the composer's message. Students sing, conduct, and analyze two different songs during the lesson in a choir setting. This lesson is...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 3rd
Third graders pair up and listen to each others heartbeat. They run in place for one minute and then listen again and calculate the beats per minute resting and after activity. They switch and repeat the activity.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Mental Circus

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students listen to different types of music and observe their classmates reaction to the music. They state why they think some reactions happened or did not happen.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Three Little Pigs

For Teachers K
Students identify high and low sounds in the "Three Little Pigs" song, sing a song that includes vocal sound effects and identify ways that music relates to language arts. Before singing the song, they have listened to the teacher read...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Sizing Up Sound

For Teachers 6th
Sixth graders are introduced to the concepts of sound waves and frequency. As a class, they listen to the differences between different types of instruments. To end the lesson, they practice identifying low and high pitches and playing...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Constitution Day

For Teachers K
Students discuss the need for rules in their community and classroom. Using this information, they identify the authority figures at their house, at school and in the community. They are read a book about following the rules and listen...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

It's All Poetry to Me!

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders explore language arts by analyzing poetry styles. In this writing analysis lesson, 4th graders read several sample poems in class and identify similes, metaphors and other figurative language within them. Students analyze...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Path of Electrons

For Teachers 4th - 5th
Students engage in an interactive "hot potato" demonstration to gain an appreciation for the flow of electrons through a circuit. They role play the different parts of a simple circuit and send small items representing electrons (paper...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Categorizing Objects

For Teachers K
Kindergartners practice the important skill of placing things in their correct categories. They must discern between items of clothing and items of food. The use of the Inspiration 7 educational software is effectively used in this...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What Factors Affect Exercise Habits?

For Teachers 1st - 12th
Learners investigate poor health habits by identifying their own exercise habits.  In this physical education lesson plan, pupilsdiscuss specific pressures and situations that lead them to make poor exercise decisions at home. They bring...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 5th - 6th
Students access prior knowledge of the five senses and relate to students with disabilities. In this people with disabilities lesson, students research and use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast famous people and their...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Census

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students analyze why the census is important and the benefits of it. Determine rights and responsibilities in real life situations. They are divided into groups and take a mock census of a list of teachers and students each. Results of...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

My Secret War: The WWII Diary of Madeline Beck: Lesson 11

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders explore world history by participating in a class game. In this propaganda lesson, 5th graders identify Madeline Beck and the role women played during World War II. Students create fictitious propaganda posters and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Strange Sounds

For Teachers 1st - 6th
Students investigate sound as a form of energy. In this energy, forces, and sound lesson plan, students explore how different sounds may be made as they make a variety of materials vibrate. Students observe the effects of vibrations and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Cajuns: Natives with a Difference!

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students examine the immigrant experiences of various culture groups. Using this information, they work together to compare and contrast these experiences with those of the Cajuns. As a class, they define ethnic group and research the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What's Her Story?

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Learners research Lady Liberty and her history. Students research why this female symbol is so important to our country. Learners tie in Lady Liberty to their own freedoms that many of them take for granted. Students discuss how they...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

"Space" Investigations

For Teachers 6th
Sixth graders understand the patterns of change observable on Earth as a result of the movement of the different bodies in the solar system. They identify the physical characteristics of the different components of the solar system.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Observing Sound

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders study the five senses and the link between pictures and sound.  In this sound instructional activity students discover that sound is vibration, it is described by volume and pitch.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Space Exploration

For Teachers 6th
Sixth graders identify and interpret the following: What is space?, Space Race, Living in space?, Man on the Moon, Astronaut training; students compare/contrast US and Russia space exploration. Students write a letter of application to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring the Brass Family

For Teachers 3rd
Third graders explore the four basic instruments of the Brass Family in the four lessons of this unit. The French horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba are inspected as students develope a familiarity with their sight and sounds.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Classification is Sweet

For Teachers 5th - 9th
Students classify, weight and organize items during this lesson plan. This lesson plan works great as or with an introduction of the Periodic Table of Elements.

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