Curated OER

Who Said it in "Julius Caesar"?

For Students 9th - 10th
This 10-question online interactive quiz tests readers' basic understanding of Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar. It does not require critical thinking or analysis.
Curated OER

Julius Caesar Quotations: Fun Trivia Quiz

For Students 9th - 12th
This Fun Trivia quiz includes 15 quotes that require identifying the correct speaker from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Before assigning this to your class, you will want to consider the relevance of the selected quotations as these...
Curated OER

A Midsummer Night's Quiz

For Students 9th - 11th
Take a look at this online interactive quiz if you're looking for a test of your class' understanding of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Know that it does not require critical thinking or analysis.
Curated OER

Romeo and Juliet Quiz - Who said it? Part 2

For Students 9th - 12th
This Fun Trivia quiz tests readers' basic understanding of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet by requiring the identification of the speaker of 10 quotes. There are mechanical errors in the quiz, so you should only use this for ideas.
Curated OER

Fun Trivia Quiz: Romeo and Juliet

For Students 9th - 12th
Because of the mechanical errors in this online interactive quiz, you probably won't want to assign it to your class. However, it could be useful to get ideas for your own reading comprehension quiz on Romeo and Juliet.
Curated OER

9 for 10 - Romeo and Juliet

For Students 9th - 10th
The quality of this online interactive quiz is low. But, it may provide you with ideas for your own reading comprehension test on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
Curated OER

All that Glitters...with William Shakespeare

For Students 10th - 12th
This Fun Trivia online interactive quiz could be useful if you teach a Shakespeare class; however, its use is limited given that it covers numerous plays and specifically requires identifying works based on quotes referencing gold and...
Curated OER

Tough Shakespearean Quotes

For Students 9th - 12th
This online interactive quiz includes quotes from several Shakespeare plays which may limit its usefulness in the classroom. If you teach a Shakespeare class; however, it could benefit you.
Curated OER

From Start to Finish: Shakespeare's Plays

For Students 9th - 12th
This online interactive quiz is too low-quality to assign to your class; however, you may want to adapt the idea of recognizing starts and finishes of works for your own lesson or quiz. An example from the worksheet is: "When shall we...
Curated OER

Finish the Quote: Richard III

For Students 9th - 12th
This online interactive quiz on quotes from Shakespeare's Richard III may be useful as an extension activity, but it does not adequately assess understanding of the play.
Curated OER

Billy's Most Quotable Quotes: Shakespeare Lines and Quotes: Fun Trivia Quiz

For Students 9th - 12th
Few teachers cover multiple Shakespeare plays in one year unless they teach a class on the Bard, so a quiz on multiple plays may have limited appeal. Despite this, it may be useful to you in planning your own quotation quiz.
Curated OER

A Big Shakespearean Bash

For Students 9th - 12th
If you teach a Shakespeare class, this online interactive quiz might be useful as it tests the ability to match quotes with characters from numerous plays.
Curated OER

Othello - The Moor of Venice

For Students 10th - 12th
The Tragedy of Othello is a tragedy indeed. Answer these 10 multiple-choice questions about the horrific events that occur in the Bard's play.
Curated OER

Cymbeline Quiz

For Students 10th - 12th
Twenty multiple-choice questions confirm how much your readers remember of William Shakespeare's Cymbeline. Questions cover basic plot and characters.
Curated OER

Murderous Macbeth

For Students 10th - 12th
Focus on the murders that occur in Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth. What are the motivations, and who dies? See what your readers recall with this quiz.
Curated OER

Shakespeare's Macbeth: Fun Trivia Quiz

For Students 10th - 12th
Online quizzes can be fun for readers to test their basic understanding. This Fun Trivia quiz on Macbeth asks ten reading comprehension questions; however, it does not require any analysis. Additionally, anyone can create a quiz at Fun...
Curated OER

The Taming of the Shrew: Fun Trivia Quiz

For Students 9th - 12th
I don't recommend you use this online, interactive quiz as a class assignment (it lacks rigor and has typos); however, if your class wants to self-assess their basic understanding of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, this Fun Trivia...
Curated OER

Titus Andronicus Part I

For Students 10th - 12th
These reading comprehension questions focus mainly on the characters in William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus. There are no trick questions; they are fairly basic.
Curated OER

The Crucible Reading Guide

For Students 10th - Higher Ed
In this reading comprehension worksheet, students read acts 1-4 of Arthur Miller's The Crucible and then respond to 58 short answer questions based on the reading selection.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Noh Theater

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young scholars compare Noh drama to western drama and trace the influence of Japanese theater on modern western drama.  For this Noh drama lesson, students read the play Black Tomb (Kurozuko) defining the elements and conventions of Noh...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Characters in Live Performance

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Your intermediate or advanced thespians choose dramatic scenes to perform in duos, small groups, or solo to demonstrate vocal and physical characterization. Use class time to prepare and rehearse. Detailed rubrics work for peer assessment.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

In Search of Caesar's Ghost

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students collaborate in small groups to choose a scene that they write in place of a scene in Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar". In this dramatic expression lesson plan, their scripts include roles, lines and stage directions. Students...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Othello's Predecessors: Moors in Renaissance Popular Literature

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students gather textual citations from Othello, discuss stereotypes that they hold, examine primary source materials, and write character profiles.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Reenacting Shakespeare

For Teachers 10th - Higher Ed
Students work in small groups to modernize and perform scenes from Shakepeare's Romeo and Juliet. In this Shakespeare reenact lesson, students have an active roll in completing the project which includes analyzing and summarizing scenes,...

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