Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Guardians of the Games

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students create life sized figures in a sport activity. The figures are faceless to represent athletes or players of past present and future. They are created in full color and laminated, then cut and applied to cardboard to allow them...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Home Run Wall of Fitness

For Teachers K - 8th
Students exercise on a regular basis outside of the school setting. They discover the FIT principle (Frequency, Intensity,and Time) and build on to the number of days as well as the amount of time they exercise. They exercise at least...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Iron Tiger 10 Day Triathlon

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students increase their fitness levels and determine attainable personal fitness goals. They participate in in a triatholon in which they perform three cardiovascular activities and record total miles traveled.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Millennium Home Run Contest

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students study the history of baseball and Babe Ruth. They work on their hitting skills and have a home run contest. They review the cues for successfully hitting a ball off a tee into the air. They get three swings of the bat and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Pirate PE Field Day

For Teachers 4th - 8th
Learners participate in movement activities while completing "pirate" stations. They rotate through the activities every 6-7 minutes. They complete activities such as "Walk the Plank, Gone Fishin', Cannon Blast, and Swab the Deck."
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Street/Urban Games

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Students research and appreciate non-traditional games and activities that were played (and are still played) in our inner cities. They give presentations on stick ball, handball, off the wall, and stoop ball and invent their own game...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Working with Spreadsheets

For Teachers 4th - 12th
Young scholars integrate physical education and technology. They give their best during jogging time and keep tally of the number of laps they run during their jogging time each day. They record this on a tally sheet and enter a formula...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Make It True

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students examine the deceptive ads for tobacco products. They choose an ad and draws his or her own version of the ad, using facts about the dangers of smoking. Students may pardody the ad. They glue their ad and the actual ad side by...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Wild Water Trivia

For Teachers 10th - 12th
Students demonstrate proper swimming skills in an authentic environment. They use proper technique for whichever stroke is chosen while retrieving answers. They then bring it back to the shallow end and place it in the hula hoop.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Injury Management

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Students identify and act to protect themselves in threatening situations and describe counter-measures for a variety of potentially dangerous situations. They outline the attitudes and behaviors that cause and prevent accidents...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Strapping Injuries

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Learners research the correct procedures for taping ankles via internet then put procedures in correct order and, as a class, discuss each procedure and implement the ankle taping techniques on each other. They also go through each...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Goal Ball

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers participate in some laps around the gym and then listen as a group to learn the history of the game Goal Ball. They go over the rules and learn how to play the game dividing into two teams. Three people play first for each...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Team Handball

For Teachers 8th - 10th
Students enter the gym and immediately stretch and perform warm up activities. They work in teams to play a game of handball. They practice to increase their competency in shooting the handball into the goal. Finally, they participate in...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Walk and Bike Across America

For Teachers 4th - 12th
Students learn how to use maps, compute mileage, and be physically active while exploring America's national parks, historical heritage, and nutritional information via key agricultural sites.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

High Activity Golf Test Taking

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students engage in a written test on the vocabulary and purpose of the game of golf. The students increase knowledge of golf terminology and maintain a high activity level during the game.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plan For The Pole Vault

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Learners participate in activities that lead into the correct progression to safely complete the pole vault. Activities include practicing : gripping the pole, planting the ploe, riding the pole, and taking off to the landing mat. This...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 8th - 12th
Students research and analyze the development of sports in our country. Students interpret the events in histors that have been reflected in the sports and leisure activities selected as individuals and as a nation. Students create their...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Jumping Rope-How Fit Am I?

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Students collect data over a 10-week period in their Physical Education class on how many jumps they can do in a minute period or another time period specified by the instructor.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Care to Canoe?

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Middle schoolers experience to balance with another student and maneuver in a two person canoe on still water. They analyze important aspects of canoeing including putting in, portaging and weight distribution. Students discuss the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Nutrition and Health

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students explore the conditions faced while sailing on the ocean regarding health and physical fitness. They experience the importance of Vitamin C. Students analyze the cause of many diseases and sicknesses on the ships.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

How Wet Can You Get?

For Teachers 5th - 9th
Students visit a swimming pool and brainstorm different water sports and what benefits swimming has over other types of exercise. They then discuss buoyancy and water pressure and when how objects sink or float before playing a game of...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Basketball- Dribbling

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Pupils practice several different basketball dribbling techniques on their own, with partners and as a team. They warm up with spot drills and figure eight dribbles and end the session with a dribbling relay race.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 10th - 12th
Students proceed through a simple course following a map but not using a compass. They must find 18 controls working in pairs that leave at 2 minute intervals. Students must record letter and after finding all 18 controls they will...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Soccer #1

For Teachers 1st - 9th
Students demonstrate physical skills. They perform a pylon weave, wall pass, and dribbling. Students participate in touch touch passing and mini-games. Students explain the importance of warming-up before participating in physical...