Lesson Planet Article
Curated OER

Creating a Literary Magazine - Part Two

For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Poetry can provide a great way to get a literary magazine going at your school.
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part II: Storyboard Draft, Sections 2 and 3

For Teachers 5th Standards
It's time to demonstrate knowledge. With the instructive resource, pupils complete the second part of the end of unit assessment. They develop sections two and three of their storyboards about an invention, add visual elements, and then...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part III: Storyboard Draft, Section 4

For Teachers 5th Standards
Reflection is the best teacher. Using the resource, scholars complete the final part of their end of unit assessment, the fourth section of their storyboard about an invention. Next, they track their progress using a self-reflection form. 
Lesson Plan

Final Performance Task: Presenting Graphic Novelettes

For Teachers 5th Standards
Let's get graphic. Serving as the final performance task of the unit, scholars complete their graphic novelettes and design covers based on their sketches. Finally, they present their hard work to classmates. 
Lesson Plan

Learning to Observe Closely and Record Accurately: How to Create a Field Journal

For Teachers 5th Standards
Look carefully. Scholars practice observing and recording the natural world around them by looking out a window or viewing an image. Learners discuss how their experience compares to that of Meg Lowman in The Most Beautiful Roof in the...
Lesson Plan

Using Peer Feedback and Summarizing Our Research In Informational Text Boxes

For Teachers 5th Standards
Insert text box here. Learners use index cards to create their own informational text boxes. The text box includes information about an insect in the rainforest. Scholars also complete the draft of their research science journal entries.
Lesson Plan

Summarizing Notes: Planning a Graphic Novelette, Part III: The Invention of Television

For Teachers 5th Standards
How did the television change people's lives? Learners consider the question as they complete their storyboards about the invention of the TV, adding visual elements along the way. Then, they participate in a peer review to offer and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

African American Scientists

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Young scholars study several important African American scientists and explore their lives. They recreate scientists' experiences through journal entries.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Prairie Is...

For Teachers 5th - 6th
Young scholars investigate different environments by creating a poem. In this prairie environment lesson, students research information about Kansas' natural resources and complete a worksheet about prairies.  Young scholars practice...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Wild Animal Science

For Teachers 5th - 7th
Students discover how environmental factors impact the survival of a population. In this landscape design lesson, students create a new animal and discuss the relationship between the animal and its environment before creating a habitat...

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