Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Rights of Bike Riders

For Teachers 4th - 8th
Students write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the bicycle helmet safety issue. They gather statistics about bicycle helmet use and discuss the statistics as a class and explain how to interpret the numbers accurately. They...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Effects of Alcohol Use

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders identify short and long term effects of alcohol use. In this effects of alcohol lesson plan, 5th graders participate in activities to understand what it feels like to have alcohol in their system. With the teacher they make...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Global Peace Lesson Plan

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders recognize the characteristics of poetry. In this poetry instructional activity, 5th graders listen to poetry by Dionne Brand and discuss the meaning of the poems. Students construct their own poems and present them as an...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Lesson Plan

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Students practice their writing skills. In this writing perspective lesson, students review The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and consider the points of view of the main characters. Students write descriptions of a modern-day event and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Mark Twain Project at the Principia School

For Teachers 10th - Higher Ed
Learners read and write an analysis of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and write a paper on another Twain literary piece. In this Mark Twain lesson, students select a Mark Twain literary piece to write an analysis paper for the work....
Unit Plan
Curated OER

News to the Core Reported by Very Special Students

For Teachers 1st - 6th
Students create news articles that help them build their knowledge, skills, and academic confidence. In this special education lesson, students use previous knowledge to write a newsletter and demonstrate their understanding of various...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Redesigning Resumes

For Teachers 9th
Ninth graders identify the elements of resumes and then design a resume to be used by an eighth grader applying for high school. In this resume lesson, 9th graders define resumes and work in teams to use computer software to design a...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Acting Like a Bunch of Animals: Fables and Human

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
The video "The Tales of Aesop" traces for viewers the history of fables and identifies their characteristics. The class then goes to the web site "The Fisherman and the Little Fish" where they examine the classic and a modern version of...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plate and Planet

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Students investigate the health hazards of modern agriculture and how we can choose better food options.  In this healthy eating instructional activity, students identify different indigenous people in photographs and discuss what they...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

How Tragic!

For Teachers 10th - 12th
Students study and interpret a classical tragedy and role play a character from the play.  In this tragedy lesson, students discuss a specific work to discover the form, structure, and characteristics of the genre and interpret the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Multiple Intelligences

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students investigate Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. In this research based lesson, students compare theories of intelligences and examine the implications of using these theories in schools and society.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Water Shortages

For Teachers 4th - 7th
Students explore natural elements by participating in a bingo activity. In this water usage lesson, students discuss the importance of clean water and complete worksheets based on water shortage statistics. Students utilize flashcards to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Big on Blubber: How do Whales Stay Warm?

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Students explore biology by conducting a science experiment in class. In this whale anatomy lesson, students identify the use of whale blubber for the animal to stay warm in cold waters while utilizing ice, vegetable oil, plastic bags...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Fishing for the Future

For Teachers 5th - 6th
Students research Hawaii's fishing regulations. In this conservation lesson, students explore the reasons behind ocean conservation. Resources are provided.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Seed Germination

For Teachers 5th - 6th
Students explore plants and the scientific method. In this plant growth lesson, students follow the steps in the scientific method to perform a seed germination experiment as a whole class. Students work in a group to create their own...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Examining Geometric Solids

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Students explore geometry by completing a math worksheet in class. In this shape identification lesson, students identify the characteristics associated with 15 solid geometric shapes. Students identify patterns between vertices, edges...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Look Again: Revising

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders read "Jabberwocky," as an example of revision. They practice revising their own work.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

World Conflicts Lesson Plan

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Pupils role play reporters for ESL TV News.They research and report on one serious conflict happening in the world today. A fact sheet is missing some information, which the group finds on the internet and presents to the class.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring the Personal Narrative

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Students define the characteristics of a personal narrative, explain the difference between a 'memoir' and an 'autobiography', and create a reading journal in which they will log their reading activities. In this personal narrative...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Using Artwork to Develop Personal Narratives

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Learners use a work or art as a springboard to a personal narrative or descriptive writing. They represent an idea in an artistic product which connects to composition.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Photo Pen Pals

For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Students learn to write a descriptive friendly letter to a pen pal.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 4th - 6th
Students learn about the differences between cyberpets and live pets and the consequences of bringing a cyberpet to school.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Top Ten Facts

For Teachers 6th - 9th
Students, in pairs, complete research about an assigned person. One student does research in the library and the other on the Internet. They come back together, compare their research, and compile a list of 10 main facts about their person.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Short Stories: The Puzzle Pieces of Life

For Teachers 9th
Students distinguish the elements of fiction in a short story. In this fiction elements lesson, students complete nine lessons of activities to learn about the elements of fiction in short stories.

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