Curated OER

Split a Factor

For Students 2nd - 4th
Take the mystery out of multiplicaton with worksheets like this one. Learners find a mental math strategy for more difficult equations by splitting a factor, multiplying out the terms, and adding the products. An example explains this...
Third Rail Games

Factor Samurai

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Master composite and prime numbers with this fast-moving game. Using your sword, slice those composite numbers and watch them break up into factors. Slice again if those factors are composite. However, watch out for prime numbers,...
Curated OER

Factors of Numbers from 1 to 30

For Students 3rd - 5th
Finding factors is an integral skill on the road to fractions and algebra. Scholars write down a factor list for nine numbers up to 30. Next, they examine provided lists and circle the numbers that are factors of eight more numbers, also...
Curated OER

Greatest Common Factor

For Students 3rd - 5th
These multiples share a few factors, but which one is the greatest? Scholars list the factors for various number pairs, first just indicating common factors. Next, they do the same but write down the greatest common factor. Finally,...
Curated OER

Case of the Stolen Factors

For Students 3rd - 5th
This identifying the missing factors in multiplication worksheet haspupils use the stolen factors clues to help solve and check the answers. They solve 20 problems.
Curated OER


For Students 3rd - 5th
Factoring numbers helps prepare scholars for fractions and algebra, so build confidence by drilling this skill and promoting reflection in the process. Scholars start by listing factors for 18 numbers, none of which exceed 30. Next, they...
Curated OER

Decompose a Factor

For Students 2nd - 5th
Mental multiplication just got easier! Clue your class into this multiplication shortcut as they decompose factors and add smaller products. For the first set of problems, they read the instructions, view an example, and then break down...
Curated OER

Greatest Common Factor

For Students 3rd - 6th
Given 10 number pairs, learners find the greatest common factor for each. For several, one of the numbers is the greatest common factor, and for others mathematicians will need to think a little harder. There space for learners to show...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring Number Patterns to Discover Common Factors

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Students listen and watch a video to see a drummer beat and find a pattern, while learning about the least common factor. In this lesson, the concept of least common factors is being taught through the use of musical instruments, and...

Study Jams! Simplest Form

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Make math simple with this step-by-step presentation on fractions in their simplest form. Multiple approaches are introduced including, most efficiently, the division of numerators and denominators by their greatest common factor. Work...
Math Mammoth


For Students 3rd
In this math worksheet, 3rd graders focus on determining missing factors. Students complete 34 problems representing factors of whole numbers.
Curated OER

Greatest Common Factor

For Students 3rd - 4th
In this finding the greatest common factor quiz worksheet, students observe two numerals in each data set and solve. Students solve 10 problems. 
Curated OER

Find the Factors

For Students 3rd
In this factors worksheet, 3rd graders look over a factor box with numbers inside it and then choose two pairs of factors inside the box to complete 6 multiplication problems.
Curated OER

Using Missing Factors in Equations

For Students 3rd - 4th
For this math worksheet, learners learn how to use a multiplication chart to help find missing factors. Students are directed to use the "chart on page 5" (not included here) to solve 45 problems.
Math Worksheets Land

Division and Finding Unknown Factors - Step--by-Step Lesson

For Students 3rd - 4th Standards
Because this division word problem has the answer explained on the same page, use it as an all-class warm up. Covering up the bottom half, have scholars determine the missing factor in a multiplication sentence. They use an image to...
Math Worksheets Land

Division and Finding Unknown Factors - Matching Worksheet

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Explore the relationship between math operations with seven multiplication and division sentences, each of which is missing a number. The answer is missing for some, and factors, divisors, and dividends for others. Once these are...
Curated OER

Missing Numbers in Equations (B)

For Students 3rd - 4th
Here is an identifying the missing factors in multiplication activity. Pupils use the one factor and the product to determine the missing factor. They solve 32 problems.
Curated OER

Factors Worksheet

For Students 3rd - 5th
In this listing factors worksheet, students examine 30 math problems that require them to list the factors of 1-digit and 2-digit numbers.
Curated OER

Greatest Common Factor

For Students 3rd - 6th
For this greatest common factor worksheet, students find the greatest common factor of 2 numbers that are up to 20. Students complete 10 problems.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Factor Cards

For Teachers 3rd - 4th
Students are introduced to the concept of factorization. Individually, they are given seven cards and turn over one card at a time. They take the card and place it on top of the pile and identify the common factor with the one they are...
Curated OER

Positive Proper Factors Worksheet

For Students 3rd - 5th
In this factors worksheet, learners list the positive proper factors for 20 specific numbers. Students record their answers in the boxes provided.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Factor Finding Mission and Times Teasers

For Teachers 3rd - 4th
In this math worksheet, students complete 2 exercises to reinforce basic multiplication skills. Students are given 26 products and must write 2 factors which, when multiplied, will equal that number. Then students solve 4 multiplication...
Curated OER


For Students 3rd - 4th
In this factors worksheet, students use their multiplication skills as they examine 10 one and two-digit numbers in order to list all of their factors.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Common Factors and Common Multiples and Simple Exponents

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Students explore factors and multiples. In this factors and multiples lesson, students learn the vocabulary words factor, common factor, multiple and common multiple. Students view examples of each and then complete activity sheets.

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