Curated OER


For Students 1st - 2nd
In this prepositions worksheet, students examine 7 pictures that depict the position of a ball in relation to a cardboard box. Students match these to the prepositions that describe position.
Curated OER

Christmas Vocabulary

For Students K - 1st
In this Christmas word worksheet, students examine 7 pictures that depict holiday activities. Students match these to the words or phrases that describe them.
Curated OER

Food Match Sheet

For Students Pre-K - 2nd
In this types of food learning exercise, students view ten pictures of various types of food and then match each picture to their actual name on the right.
Curated OER

Body Parts and Furniture

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this word and picture matching worksheet, students examine 8 pictures and the sentences next to each. Students mark true or false if the sentence matches the picture. Example: This is an eye.
Curated OER

Adjectives 1

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this adjectives worksheet, students read 9 adjective pairs such as: old/young, light/heavy. Students match the adjectives to pictures that illustrate their meaning.
Curated OER

Matching Clothing Words

For Students 1st - 3rd
For this matching clothing words worksheet, learners match 10 pictures of articles of clothing with their names. They can match either the letter with the number, or the number with the letter.
Curated OER

More Classroom Words- Picture and Word Match

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this word and picture match worksheet, students examine 8 pictures that depict classroom activities and match them to words and phrases that describe them.
Curated OER

Daily Routine Word and Picture Matching

For Students K - 1st
In this daily routines word and picture matching instructional activity, students examine 7 pictures and match them with the word that describes what is happening.
Curated OER

The Living Room

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this picture - word matching worksheet, students are given a list of 9 items commonly found in a living room. Students must match the words on the right with the pictures on the left.
Curated OER

Body Parts

For Students K - 1st
In this word and picture matching worksheet, students read the names of 9 body parts and match them to the correct picture that shows the meaning.
Curated OER

Who's vs. Whose

For Students 1st - 3rd
In this pronouns worksheet, students view eight pictures and then complete eight sentences by placing the appropriate pronoun, who's or whose, in each blank.
Curated OER


For Students 1st - 2nd
For this word and picture matching worksheet, students analyze 10 pictures of children with a variety of illness (stomach ache, headache, cough, etc.). Students match the pictures with the words that name each illness.
Curated OER

Classroom Command

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this classroom commands word and picture matching worksheet, students analyze 10 pictures that depict children doing tasks in the classroom. Students match the pictures with "classroom commands" such as "sit down," "raise your hand"...
Curated OER


For Students 1st - 2nd
In this transportation worksheet, students analyze 10 pictures of forms of transportation. Students match these to the words that describe them.
Curated OER


For Students K - 1st
For this clothes word and picture worksheet, students analyze 7 pictures that depict common items of clothing. Students match these to the words that describe them.
Curated OER

Toys: What Is It?

For Students K - 1st
In this toys word and picture matching learning exercise, learners examine 7 pictures of popular toys. Students answer the question "What is it?" by selecting one of the 4 answer choices.
Curated OER

Body 2

For Students K - 1st
In this body parts picture/word match worksheet, students examine 7 pictures that show a part of the body. Students match these to the words that describe them.
Curated OER

Conjugating Verbs

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this verbs learning exercise, students analyze 8 pictures. Students read the sentence next to each picture and from 2 choices, select the correct verb to complete each sentence.
Curated OER

House: Word and Picture Matching

For Students K - 1st
In this household objects word/picture matching instructional activity, students examine pictures of 7 common household items. Students match these to the word or phrase that describes each picture.
Curated OER

Christmas Celebration

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this Christmas word and picture matching worksheet, students read 9 phrases pertaining to Christmas. Students match these to the pictures that illustrate their meanings.
Curated OER

Fruits 1

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this matching worksheet, students are given 10 pictures of fruit in the left column. Students must match the words in the right column with the pictures in the left.
Curated OER

My Halloween Worksheet

For Students K - 1st
In this Halloween word and picture matching worksheet, students study 7 pictures that depict Halloween symbols. Students match these to the words that describe each one.
Curated OER

Is It Big or Small?

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this word and picture matching activity, students analyze 7 pictures and then match them to the phrases that describes them. Students then fill in the blank to answer if the object is "big" or "small."
Curated OER

Where Is the Ball?

For Students 1st - 2nd
For this prepositions worksheet, students examine 7 pictures that depict the location of a ball in relation to the cardboard box. Students match the picture with the preposition word that tells where the ball is.

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