Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims

For Teachers K
Teach kindergartners about the First Thanksgiving with a series of lessons about the Pilgrims' journey to the New World. As they practice handwriting, CVC words, reading comprehension, and fun Thanksgiving songs, they learn about what...
Unit Plan
New York City Department of Education

Grade 2 Literacy in Social Studies: Where Is Home?

For Teachers 2nd Standards
What makes a community? How communities differ? Young scholars research different types of communities, small rural towns, and large crowded cities. They respond to writing prompts, and write essays in groups to understand the wide...
Lesson Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

For Teachers K - 2nd
Young adventurers embark on a journey, setting sail along the blue ocean with Christopher Columbus. Teachers will find that this unit makes their lesson planning smooth sailing!
Software Smoothie

Imagination Box - Colors, Shapes, Numbers and Letters

For Students Pre-K - 3rd
This app provides young learners with opportunities to be creative while they work with different colors, letters, numbers, and shapes. 

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