436 results
Curated OER
Finding Buck Henry
Students read and demonstrate competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process via the novel "Finding Buck Henry." They recognize complex elements of plot. Students analyze devices used to develop characters in...
Curated OER
Writing Letters Using Appleworks
Students discover how to write letters using Appleworks. Following a demonstration by the teacher, they compose rough drafts of their letters. Working independently, students correct their drafts and type the final versions.
Curated OER
To Be or Not To Be
Fifth graders investigate and conduct an interview associated with a career they are considering. They present the information in an expository writing piece using a different point of view.
Curated OER
Arkansans' Role in the Confederate War
Eleventh graders identify information about Arkansas Confederate regiments during the Civil War. They discuss relative information presented by each group about the assigned Confederate regiments
Curated OER
Draft Resistance During World War I in Arkansas
Students identify types of resistance and personal, political, and social consequences to the resistance of the draft in Arkansas during World War I. They write a paragraph explaining the draft, and listing two types of draft evasion.
Curated OER
The Kidlink Day Project
Students create journal entries on-line as part of a "Kidlink Day" activity. Entries are compared and evaluated by their peers. The writing process is practiced in this lesson.
Curated OER
Five Paragraph Essay
Eighth graders are introduced to the mechanics of writing a standard-form essay. They draft, edit and polish a five-paragraph essay about spending the day as an animal of their choice.
Curated OER
Doodle Bug Family Web
Students discuss families, what makes up a family, and things families do. They create a web diagram to organize information about their families.
Curated OER
Weave a Web of Words
Fifth graders write a first draft of an oral presentation about the American Revolution and take their work through the writing process.
Curated OER
Lesson 5: Publication After the Interview
Students lear about the publishing/writing process such as the outline, rough draft, MLA Guide for listing sources, and evaluating, revising, and proofreading.
Curated OER
Writing a Job Pamphlet
Students write and create a pamphlet describing the occupation they are interested in. They use the steps of the writing process to present the facts about their occupation.
Curated OER
It's a Mystery to Me
Seventh graders produce a mystery story based on a mystery box created by a classmate. They develop the story using appropriate voice and containing a clear beginning,middle and end. They participate in peer editing.
Curated OER
Write On
First graders, after generating a list of possible writing topics, begin the writing process and participate in peer-editing and publishing their own works.
Curated OER
Publishing Pupils
Second graders are guided through the writing process and then given time to use the skills they have acquired by writing a story and publishing it using a computer.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ninth Literature and Composition: Types of Writing: Review
This lesson is a review of the unit on types of writing including purpose, audience, tone, the writing process, the four types of writing, and sentence fragments and run-ons. A quiz is provided.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Contemporary Literature Course Overview
This lesson focuses on providing an overview of contemporary literature and the writing process. It defines contemporary literature and the key terms of the writing process, and provides links to the Contemporary Literature and...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ninth Lit and Comp: Types of Writing: The Writing Process
This lesson focuses on the writing process including understanding purpose, audience, and tone and the parts of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Writing an Autobiography Using Pictures
This is a 4-day lesson on how to write an autobiography. Students also learn to take digital pictures of themselves and use them in their writing.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: The Writing Process: Generate Ideas and Questions
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students how to generate ideas and questions as a part of the writing process in five mini-lessons: Introduction, Writing the Persuasive Essay:...
Read Write Think: Writing an Autobiographical Incident
Lesson in which students are required to read and analyze biographies and autobiographies and use them as a model for writing about an autobiographical experience. Students complete the writing process and share written work with the class.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Editing: Making Good Better and Better Great
This PDF lesson plan provides students with an understanding of the importance of editing and proofreading at the AP level. The teacher distributes various examples of student work and asks the students to read and comment on the writing...
Wisc Online: Communication: The Writing Process
The learner will identify the three steps: prewriting, drafting, revising/editing, in the writing process and the elements in each step. W.9-10.5 Writing Process, W.11-12.5 Writing Process
Quizlet: 4th Grade Q. 1: Main Ideas and Supporting Details: Test
This interactive assessment features 9 matching questions and eight multiple-choice questions over 17 terms having to do with main ideas and supporting details including types of writing and the writing process with their definitions.