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235 results
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Short a Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words that incorporate short /a/ in them. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: short a" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Oo Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words that incorporate "oo" in them. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: oo" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Er, Ur, Ir Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words with r-controlled vowels. Words with the letters "y", "ie", "ind", and "ild" are included on the assessment. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: er, ur, ind, ir"...
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Aw, Au, Al Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of "aw", "au", and "al" words. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: aw, au, al" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: Ay, Air Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of "ay" and "air" in words. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: ay, air" lesson.
St. Charles Place Education Foundation
Reading Bear: O E Quiz
This site is an interactive quiz to assess knowledge of words that incorporate "o_e" in them. The quiz is designed to follow the "Reading Bear: o_e" lesson.
Pbs Learning Media: No Nonsense Grammar Collection
In this No Nonsense Grammar Collection, students explore a range of commonly taught grammar principles for elementary and middle schoolers with these short, fun videos and activities. From the difference between dependent and independent...
Auburn University
Auburn University: The Letterbox Lesson
What is the rationale behind the "Letterbox Lesson?" This site reveals how students must understand the phoneme sequence in words in order to decode them. Come and learn more.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: The Alphabetic Principle
What are predictor's for a child's success in reading? Use this site to learn more how the knowledge of the alphabet and shapes is a factor for reading success.
ICT Games
Ict Games: Sky Writing
In this this interactive activity, and airplane demonstrates how to print the letters of the alphabet through sky writing.
Effective Decoding Instruction for Diverse Learners
How can you implement effective decoding instruction for diverse learners in your classroom? This site focuses on phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, morphology, and the six basic types of syllables in the English language.
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Letter Candy
This printable worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will distinguish vowel letters from consonant letters. An answer key and lesson extension are included.
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Splendid Sounds
This printable worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will match each short vowels to the picture that begins with it. An answer key and lesson extension are included.
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Missing Instrument: Beginning Consonant G and Ending Consonant X
This printable consonant letters worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will find hidden words that begin with /g/ and end with /x/. An answer key and lesson extension are...
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Mystery Picture: Ending Consonant S and Plurals
This printable vowels worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will find a hidden picture by identifying words that contain the ending consonant /s/. An answer key and lesson...
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Paint Pails: Long Vowel A
This printable vowels worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will identify pictures with words that contain the long /a/ with the /ai/ digraph. An answer key and lesson...
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Eeeeek! Long Vowel E (E)
This printable vowel letter worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will color the objects that contain long /e/. An answer key and lesson extension are included.
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Shhhhhhhhh! Silent Consonants
This printable worksheet from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will identify silent consonant letters in words. Students will then identify the pictures associated with the words. An...
ICT Games
Ict Games: Viking Full Circle
Practice reading and writing words with the consonant - vowel - consonant spelling pattern. Then, select the vowel and the endings to review a variety of patterns.
Rock ’N Learn
Rock 'N Learn: Double Time: Ending Consonants
This printable consonant letters learning exercise from Rock 'N Learn can be used as a reinforcement activity or as an assessment. Students will write words that end with the same double consonant letter to form complete sentences. An...
Quia: Capitalization: Rags to Riches
This is a capitalization and punctuation game for early readers. Students win gold stars for selecting the correct answers. The game is available in Java or HTML versions.
Grammarly Handbook: Capitalization at the Beginning of a Sentence
This page explains the beginning letter of each sentence is always capitalized, even in direct quotes in the middle of sentences. Examples are provided.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: 1:1: Always Vowels: A, E, I, O
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Information and examples of words containing the vowels "a", "e", "I", and "o."
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Missing Letter
In this free version of the game, choose from four sets of words, depending on the grade level. A letter is removed from each word and students must put it back. Includes 'Spelling Test' and 'Teach Me' features.