Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Mesozoic Era in Arkansas

For Teachers 8th
Eighth graders study the geology of Arkansas from 225 million years ago to 65 million years ago. They discover they types of strata laid down by the Gulf of Mexico. They examine the economic importance to the community.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring our National Parks

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students utilize maps/Atlases to find key spatial information, locate U.S. National Parks, characterize the geography of a specific region, and create a National Park brochure.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Spaceship Earth

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students develop an understanding of our planet as a system by designing a very-long-duration space mission in which the life-support system is patterned after that of earth.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Put Your Truss in Building Bridges

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Learners apply abstract concepts, such as stress, fulcrums, the law of gravity, and the strength of different geometric shapes. Groups of student contractors operate simulated architectural firms to create strong, economical bridges.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Journey to Gettysburg

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Learners use latitude and longitude to map the path of the Battle of Gettysburg.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Roving Robotic Chemist

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Junior oceanographers and underwater geologists describe the four major steps of mass spectrometry. They compete in small groups to simulate the tracking of a deepwater methane plume using imaginary autonomous underwater vehicles. Give...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

It's a Gas! Or is it?

For Teachers 7th - 9th
Oceanography enthusiasts are given a series of thought experiments to consider in order to relate the solubility of gases and solids to underwater volcanoes. It is not particularly engaging to perform these thought experiments. Choose...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Journey to America

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders carefully analyze the artwork, Les Emigrants, and explore the reasons that people emigrated to the United States, and what life was like for new arrivals. They discuss what things immigrants were able to bring with them and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Creating Civic Awareness Through Artistic and Literary Forms

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Interpret current events using editorial cartoons and other print media. Middle schoolers explore the meanings of literary and artistic terms such as satire, irony, and caricature. They visit internet sites to develop an understanding of...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring Mars

For Teachers 4th - 10th
Students, working in small groups construct scale models of the planets and solar system. They examine images of Mars and discuss what might have caused the features. They record facts about their planetary research in their journals and...
Lesson Plan

The Discovery of Jupiter Radio Waves

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Lead your class on a journey to the planet Jupiter and provide them with fun facts in the process. Learners explore radio waves emitted by Jupiter to further understand how this data helps our daily lives. They conclude by discussing...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Singers practice perfecting the song, Alleluia. They focus on singing techniques, style, phrasing, and working with syncopation. This lesson is a microteahing lesson and includes a warm up and vocal exercises. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Why Is A City Located Where It Is?

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Learners analyze how transportation influenced the development of Stillwater, Minnesota, They use the same techniques to analyze the impact of transportation on the origination and development of their own community.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Continental Drift

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Be sure to come prepared to discuss the theory of Pangaea and the two super-continents, Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Collaborative learners look for fossil evidence that supports the theory that one super-continent divided into two. They...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Colonial Founders

For Teachers 7th
Who were the founding fathers of the American Colonies? Engage in online activities, Internet research, and focused writing to find out. Students choose one colonial founder, conduct biographical research on the person, and take a quiz...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Understanding Points of View

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st Standards
Develop an understanding of point of view in your young learners. Read narrative stories to your class and discuss who the storyteller is. Point out different points of view and discuss new vocabulary in order to introduce this concept....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Science Concept Maps

For Teachers 7th - 10th
A collection of concept maps has some terms filled in and others left blank for young scientists to fill in. This library can provide you with many pop quizzes for all of your middle to high school science curriculum. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Forensic Detectives: Archaeology at Work

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Dig in! Middle schoolers learn about archaeology by exploring the remnants of the Chiribaya bodies found in Illinois. Compare archaeological investigations, and then write a mystery detailing the discovery of a body! Consider bringing in...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plants in Your Gas Tank: From Photosynthesis to Ethanol

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Explore ethanol and how it is produced. Young scientists investigate photosynthesis and fermentation to the concept of conservation of energy and mass. They discuss the environmental and economical benefits of ethanol as a fuel additive.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Teacher Appreciation Week (Elementary)

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Primary writers will create a persuasive essay about Teacher Appreciation Week. Additionally, they will  select a quote from a famous person and write a persuasive essay about how it relates to one of their favorite teachers. In the end,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Welcome to My World

For Teachers 2nd - 5th
Elementary schoolers discuss what a community is, and what their community has to offer them. They create posters, or flyers for the different businesses or places in their community to place around their school. After the students have...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

It's a Gas! Or is it?

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Examine the effects of temperature and pressure on solubility and the states of matter of ocean water. Learners make inferences about the unique chemistry of ocean water at different depths. They engage in an activity related to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Our States, My State

For Teachers K - 1st
Here is a very nice lesson plan on the shape of the United States, and the shapes of the individual states for your young geographers. They utilize worksheets embedded in the plan to color in a variety of states and to become familiar...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Dining Out With Fishes and Birds of the Hudson

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
While this lesson focuses on the birds and fish found on the Hudson River, it could be adapted for use in any classroom. Using a vocabulary list, learners explore the meaning of words like adaptation, habitat, barbel, and more. Then,...

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