Curated OER

Genetics PowerPoint

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
If mom is bald, will her babies be bald? Here is a practical presentation that can answer that question. Viewers can take notes on the difference between dominant and recessive genes, mutations, and heritability. A large portion of the...
Lesson Plan
Beyond Benign

Lucky Brand Genes: Genetic Traits

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Explore single-gene traits in humans. After viewing a video introducing genetic vocabulary, individuals identify their phenotype and possible genotypes of specific traits. They consider both dominant and recessive traits. This is the...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Chromosomes Carry Genes

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Some traits only exist in males and some only in females. Pupils learn how the location of genes on sex chromosomes determines them using an interactive lesson. An animation illustrates how scientists know this to be true and shows how...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Genes, not Jeans

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders examine the difference between dominant and recessive genes, and what happens when genes are combined. They complete a worksheet on genetics after observing if they can wiggle their ears or roll their tongues. They...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Evolution and Gene Frequencies: A Game of Survival and Reproductife Success

For Teachers 8th - 11th
Students research the population of Bengal tigers and their existence as either dominant or recessive. They explore the presence of fur on these tigers and its lethal combinations. Determinating the effect of random mating in a...
Biology Corner

Pipe Cleaner Babies

For Students 9th - 12th
Ever been told you have your father's eyes? How did it happen? Young biologists get a hands-on experience in meiotic gene expression with a fun pairs-based activity. Participants use pipe cleaner chromosomes with trait beads to make...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Where'd You Get Those Genes?

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Really a unit, this resource exposes middle schoolers to genetics at their level. They read interviews and biographies, trace a family tree, play games that simulate inheritance concepts, and more! Teacher's procedures, student...
Curated OER

AP: Chapter 14: Mendel and the Gene Idea

For Students 9th - 12th
A survey of Mendelian genetics is presented through this handout. Biology prodigies answer questions about the Law of Segregation, phenotypic ratios, and dominance. They define genetics vocabulary terms and describe various genetic...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Some Genes Are Dominant

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Dominate a lesson on genetic traits. Young scholars learn about the difference between dominant and recessive traits with an interactive lesson. An animation demonstrates Mendel's work on the inheritance of traits, and interactive...
Curated OER

Raven Chapter 13 Guided Notes: Patterns of Inheritance

For Students 11th - Higher Ed
In this short space, it would be impossible to describe the breadth of this seven-page genetics activity. Geared toward AP or college biology learners, they explore not only the basic vocabulary and concepts, but also the Law of...
Lesson Plan
University of Washington

Toothpick Fish

For Teachers 6th - 8th
With colored toothpicks representing genes, youngsters practice passing them through generations of fish and learn about heredity. Consider this as an introductory activity since it does not represent recessive genes with lowercase...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Gene Puzzles

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students come to understand that in sexually reproducing organisms, such as humans, typically half of the genes come from each parent. Students examine a fictional pedigree and determine which gene is responsible for a given trait. The...
Curated OER

Dragon Genetics ~ Independent Assortment and Genetic Linkage

For Students 9th - Higher Ed
Imagine a pair of dragons that produce offspring. What percentage of the hatchlings have wings and large antlers? An engaging activity draws genetics learners in, introduces them to alleles, meiosis, phenotypes, genotypes, and teaches...
Curated OER

Dragon Genetics - Understanding Inheritance

For Students 7th - 12th
Six pages begin with a detailed introduction to meiosis and homologous chromosome pairs. Instructions guide learners through a simulation in which they draw craft sticks marked with autosomes in order to decode the genes inherited by...
US National Library of Medicine

Basic Genetic Concepts and Terms

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Have you ever wondered why you aren't taller or invisible? It all comes down to your dominant and recessive genes. Introduce your class members to genetics with a presentation that includes worksheets for young geneticists to complete...
Curated OER

What Genes Do You Have?

For Teachers 6th - 12th
A great handout to introduce genetics. Young geneticists will begin to examine which traits are prevalent in their own families, helping them begin to understand the concept of dominant and recessive genes. This is an excellent resource...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Wearing My Genes: Basic Principles of Heredity

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Students explore heredity. In this science lesson plan, students examine what heredity is, distinguish the difference between the dominant and recessive genes, explain the difference between phenotype and genotype, and predict the...
Lesson Plan
Science Friday

Colorful Chromosomes

For Students 6th - 8th
Everything is in the genes. Individuals observe 14 different traits of themselves. Using pipe cleaners and beads, the learners create models of a chromosome representing their traits. The class then compares and contrasts everyone's...
Lesson Plan
Agriculture in the Classroom

Roll of the Genes

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Animal reproduction in sheep and cattle is explored with the help of Punnet squares. Scholars employ tools using probability to conclude the color of wool a sheep's offspring will have. Acting as animal geneticists, pupils then take...
US National Library of Medicine

Genetics in Harry Potter’s World Lesson 1

For Teachers 7th - 12th
By the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we know Harry and Ginny get married, but what will their kids look like? This presentation introduces viewers to Punnett Squares and how to use them to determine both dominant and...
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Genome: The Secret of How Life Works

For Students 4th - 12th Standards
What do you have in common with a fruit fly? About 60 percent of your DNA. The resource, divided into two units, is intended for grades four to eight and another for high schoolers. Both units include eight lessons covering the genome as...
Curated OER

Genes and Gene Technology

For Students 7th - 11th
In this genetics worksheet, students complete 3 short answer, a word puzzle, and 7 word games about genetic traits.
Lesson Plan
Oklahoma State University

Hairy Heredity

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Young scholars learn that heredity comes down to the flip of a coin with this cross-curricular math and science lesson. Using smiley faces as a model, students toss coins to determine which dominant or recessive traits will be passed on...
Curated OER

Genetics Practice 4: Pedigrees

For Students 9th - 12th
Four two-generation pedigrees are presented in this genetics worksheet. For each, five questions are asked: Is the trait autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, x-linked recessive, x-linked dominant, or y-linked dominant? Whenever...

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