Using Bloom's Taxonomy in Science
Help your students internalize knowledge by creating activities that utilize higher level thinking skills.
By Jennifer Sinsel

With all the emphasis on making sure each student passes state reading and math assessments, the idea of teaching higher-order thinking skills is sometimes placed on the backburner. With most required assessments consisting of multiple-choice questions at the knowledge and comprehension levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to cover higher levels. Unfortunately, much of what students will need in order to be successful outside the classroom requires them to proficiently apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. How can we make sure each child is practicing higher-order thinking skills?
Science is a subject that lends itself well to the higher levels of Bloom’s. Each time I plan a new unit, I sit down with a chart outlining each level and develop questions or activities that fit into each one. The following chart illustrates sample ideas at each level:
Level I: Knowledge
Level II: Comprehension
Level III: Application
Level IV: Analysis
Level V: Synthesis
Level VI: Evaluation
As teachers, we can help our students internalize each subject by creating challenging activities in which they practice applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating their knowledge. They’ll not only perform better on state assessments; they’ll be better prepared for real life! Below are a few of my favorite science lesson plans incorporating higher level thinking skills.
Bloom's Taxonomy Lesson Plans:
In this lesson, students learn about Rube Goldberg’s design for complex machines. Students make a blueprint for a Rube Goldberg machine, and build it in groups. They then present the project to the class.
This lesson has students conduct plant growth experiments. It involves a variety of activities. Students use an animation-based building block program to design an experiment, make a soda bottle hydroponic unit, and discuss their data.
Designing an Earthquake-resistant Structure
In this lesson, students experiment with how to build an earthquake-resistant structure. They design and build a model. Once they have designed their model buildings, they shake the structures to figure out which ones held up best.