Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Britannia Rule the Waves

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
Could you determine longitude based on measuring time? Early explorers used a longitude clock to do just that. Scholars learn about early exploration and the importance of the invention of the clock. Then pupils build their own longitude...
Curated OER

Andrew Jackson: 1767-1845

For Teachers 8th - 11th
A thorough examination of Andrew Jackson's presidency and politics, these slides contain important facts and pictures of the growing United States. Events such as the Trail of Tears and the Tariff Battles of the early 19th century are on...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The History of Mathematics

For Teachers 5th - 7th
Research the interrelationship between math and science. Search the Internet to discover the history of several branches of mathematics and make text-to-world connections between the concepts covered in each branch with related...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th
Ninth graders produce a projected, pinhole image of the sun and from measurement of the image and projection distance, calculate the actual size of the sun. They estimate the sun's apparent brightness from different planet.
Curated OER

Microwave Telescopes

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Discovery of microwaves and other trivia starting this PowerPoint will help interest your class in the application and behavior of these radio waves. Great images to show real-life experiments and equipment help understanding of how the...
Curated OER

Astronomical Data

For Students 9th - Higher Ed
In this astronomy worksheet, students use a chart with planetary data comparing the inner planets to each other. Students will use the period of rotation, period of revolution, and distance from the sun for these inner planets to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

A Classical Maya News Report

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students research the culture of the Mayans. In this early civilizations lesson plan, students research selected Maya city-states including Tikal, Clakmul, Piedras Niegras, and Uaxactun. Students use their research findings to present...
Curated OER

Modeling Celestial Motion

For Students 7th - 12th
In this modeling celestial motion worksheet, students fill in the blank about the motion of celestial bodies: planets and stars. Students complete the blanks with information about the scientists and philosophers responsible for early...
Teach Beside Me

Benjamin Franklin Lesson Ideas

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Bring Benjamin Franklin to life in the classroom with a set of five activities. Discover the type of person he was and his accomplishments through a study of his inventions and comments about life virtues. 

Taking a Cold, Clear Look at the Universe

For Students 9th - 12th
Take a look with another perspective. Pupils read to find out what portion of the electromagnetic spectrum a space telescope sees and the difficulties of viewing infrared radiation from other objects in space. Individuals discover how...
Curated OER

The Universe Has Room for Change

For Students 7th - 9th
In this universe and change activity, students read about the demotion of Pluto as one of the 9 planets as well as other changes in science. Students summarize their reading and identify unfamiliar words in the article. Students...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Ceres and Pluto: Dwarf Planets as a New Way of Thinking about an Old Solar System

For Teachers 5th - 12th
Students examine the new categories of planets and how planets were reclassified.  In this solar system lesson students complete activities using Venn diagrams and images of planets. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Summer Research Program for Science Teachers

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Students analyze the optical region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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