Curated OER

Hitler and the Nuremberg Laws

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Before you can really understand how WWII started, you need to understand the time prior to the rise of the Nazi Movement. Learn about Hitler as he grew up, rose through the military rank, and ultimately took charge of a nation. An...
Curated OER

Researching Famous Characters of WWII

For Teachers 7th - 9th
In collaborative groups, learners will research one of the three famous characters outlined in this presentation. The resource introduces Adolf Hitler, The Royal Family, and Winston Churchill, then asks each group to research and prepare...
Curated OER

Adolph Hitler

For Teachers 8th - 11th
A collage of stark images from World War II compose the background of this presentation about Adolph Hitler. The infamous leader's childhood, rise to power, and eventual defeat are detailed in these slides, filling in many gaps that...
Curated OER

Hitler's Lightning War

For Teachers 8th - 10th
When you line them up, you can knock them down. Hitler had a plan, carried it out, and started WWII. This presentation focuses on Hitler's military and political tactics, who he fought, and how his opponents fell. Key players and events...
Curated OER

World War II - The Allied Response

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Your class will benefit from this excellent presentation on World War II, and the Allied Response to Hitler's threat. The PowerPoint is packed with important information about battles, key figures in the war, and has an excellent...
Curated OER

Children and World War II

For Teachers 2nd - 4th
Intended for a younger audience, this presentation provides a very simplistic overview of the people and events key to World War II. They will be introduces to Hitler, Chamberlain, and Churchill, hear an audio piece, and see images from...
Curated OER

Italian Fascism

For Teachers 9th - 11th
By first defining the characteristics and ideology of fascism, this presentation makes it easy for viewers to contextualize the rise of Mussolini in post-WWI Italy. Not only thorough and informative, the pictures and concepts featured in...
Curated OER

How Did WWII Start?

For Teachers 5th - 7th
How did the second world war begin? A presentation first looks at the political climate that led to WWI and the effects of that war. Then, it describes the reason Hitler was able to take hold of Germany after WWI and prior to WWII. The...
Curated OER

Julius Caesar

For Teachers 3rd
Famous Dictators and their main traits are listed on each slide in this Julius Caesar presentation. Important facts and events from each leaders' life accompany a picture which will keep your students' attention. There are some facts out...
Curated OER

World War II Begins

For Teachers 5th - 6th
Studying World War II? Explore the major incidents and factors leading to America entering the war with this history PowerPoint. Topics are broken into easy to follow points and cover content such as, the Depression, Nazi Party, Hitler,...
Curated OER

Europe in the 1920s

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Delicately poised after the dramatic end of WWI and the startling beginning of WWII, this presentation encompassing the positions and roles of Germany, Italy, England, France, and the League of Nations in the 1920's. The first half of...