National Arts Centre

Stage-Space Awareness

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Introduce scenic designers to stage-space awareness with three fun activities that demonstrate how placement on the nine stage areas convey emphasis and clarify relationships.
Lesson Plan
The New York Times

Sequencing the Stages: Understanding H.I.V. Infection at the Molecular Level

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
How does HIV operate at the molecular level? Pupils discover the progression from a healthy immune cell to one infected with HIV, watch an animation of the HIV life cycle, and finally identify each of the stages with illustrations on...
Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: Leadership and a Global Stage

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is, among other things, the study of a ruler's ambitions. Young scholars watch videos, read articles, and keep a Commonplace Book while studying the play. At the end of Act III, pupils stage the play that...
Unit Plan
Orange Public Schools


For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The house lights dim, the curtain parts, lights slowly come up, revealing the stage. Before the actors appear, before a word is spoken, the audience is drawn in by the lighting, by the colors, by lines of the set, by the props, and...
National Arts Centre

Create a Set Design

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Groups create a set for a play or story they select, build a model, and share their stage with the class. The team explains the rationale for their choices and the mood they feel their staging creates.
Lesson Plan
University of Southern California

Deconstructing Genocide: The Ultimate Crime Against Humanity

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
There are eight stages of an atrocity known as genocide, and it's important to understand how they are represented so we can fight against it in the future. As young historians watch video clips of ten Jewish Holocaust survivors'...
Lesson Plan
Education Outside

Life Cycle of a Sunflower

For Teachers 2nd Standards
From a tiny seed needing water and warmth to the bud that will blossom into a flower, elementary pupils illustrate the stages of the sunflower life cycle through dance and drawing.
Unit Plan

Musical Theater Performance

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Musical theater is a trifecta, requiring cast members to be actors, singers, and dancers. Help theater arts students develop these skills with a unit designed to prepare them for a staging of a musical.
US Geological Survey

The Water Cycle for Schools: Intermediate Ages

For Students 3rd - 5th
Water can travel from the highest mountain tops to the largest oceans. Using an interactive, young scientists trace the movement using an interactive online resource. They follow the water cycle by reading pop-up explanations on a...
Oxford Cambridge

Set and Prop Design

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
What's the difference between set dressing and a prop? Between a costume accessory and a personal prop? As part of their study of set and prop design, class members engage in a series of activities that prepare them to design a prop for...
Lesson Plan
Teach It Primary

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Six tasks make up a lesson plan designed to reinforce comprehension and language skills using the poem "The Pied Piper" by Robert Browing. Scholars discuss and define unknown words, identify adjectives and onomatopoeia, review complex...
Unit Plan
Essential Energy

Being a Safety Star (Stage 3)

For Teachers 7th - 10th Standards
A spark of static electricity contains up to 3,000 volts, while a lightning strike contains around 3,000,000 volts. To understand electricity, its power, and the safety considerations relating to it learners engage in a comprehensive...
Professional Doc
American Psychological Association

Developing Adolescents

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Why to young people act the way they do? Scholars investigate the stages of adolescent development incorporating high school psychology techniques. Using research from the American Psychological Association, they uncover the five areas...
Lesson Plan
Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Jobs in the Musical Theater

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Much like an iceberg, the actors you see on stage are only a fraction of the number of people involved in a theatrical production. Introduce theatre arts high schoolers to the roles played by the behind-the-scenes- personnel with an...
Unit Plan
Honors College at Scholar Commons

From Start to Strike: A Lesson Plan for the Whole Theatre Experience

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Introduce young thespians to all aspects of the theater. A syllabus for a one-semester drama course provides lessons that take learners from the history of drama to the many facets of play production.
Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Health and Wellness Throughout the Lifespan

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Every stage of life has its requirements for staying healthy. Young developmental psychologists investigate the psychological effects of stress and aging and health and wellness strategies that may improve one's quality of life. Groups...
Lesson Plan
University of Arkansas

Assessment and Discussion

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
"Without concerned citizen action to uphold them (human rights) close to home; we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world. . ." Eleanor Roosevelt's comment is used to set the stage for the conclusion of a five-lesson unit...
Lesson Plan
Berkshire Museum

Where’s the Water?: Acting Out Science Cycles

For Teachers 2nd - 5th Standards
Young scientists transform themselves into rivers, oceans, clouds, and drops of water in order to explore the water cycle. After assigning and explaining to students their different roles in the activity, the teacher reads aloud a...
Unit Plan
Film Foundation

To Kill a Mockingbird: The Filmmaking Process

For Teachers 7th - 10th
"I'll just wait for the movie version." How often have you heard that line? Transform passive viewers into active readers of visual images with an understanding of the three stages of the filmmaking process. This 28-packet packet is a...
Lesson Plan
Facing History and Ourselves

Verifying Breaking News

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The attempts of journalists to verify the events surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown take center stage as individuals analyze three of the initial newspaper accounts of the story. The whole class discussion then focuses on the...
Unit Plan
Broadway GPS

The Lion King—The Broadway Musical Study Guide

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Musicals have been adapted from stage plays, novels, and movies. With The Lion King, Disney transforms its animated film into show-stopping, live-action musical theatre. The guide Disney provides to accompany a study of the award-winning...
Shakespeare Globe Trust

Twelfth Night

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Whether you choose to include Twelfth Night in your course or whether Shakespeare's comedy has been thrust upon you, be not afraid to incorporate an interactive resource into your study of Shakespeare's tale of loss, love, and identity....
David Elementary

Structural Elements of Drama

For Students 4th - 8th
The world may indeed be a stage, and players certainly need to know drama vocabulary. This list of 16 terms (and their definitions) often found in scripts will prompt actors to perform their role.
Science Geek

The Hydrogen Bomb

For Students 9th - 12th
Recycled Russian nuclear weapons provide 10 percent of the nuclear energy that the United States uses. The short presentation discusses the Teller-Ulam device. It provides a diagram of the parts as well as a description of the four...

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